Generate OpenAPI from Zod

How to generate an OpenAPI/Swagger spec with Zod

Zod is a powerful and flexible schema validation library for TypeScript. Many users define their TypeScript data parsing schemes using it.

In this tutorial, we’ll take a detailed look at how to set up Zod OpenAPI to generate an OpenAPI schema based on Zod schemas. Then we’ll use Speakeasy to read our generated OpenAPI schema and generate a production-ready client SDK.

An Example Schema: Burgers and Orders

We’ll start with a tiny example schema describing two main types: Burgers and Orders. A burger is a menu item with an ID, name, and description. An order has an ID, a non-empty list of burger IDs, the time the order was placed, a table number, a status, and an optional note for the kitchen.

Anticipating our CRUD app, we’ll also add additional schemas describing fields for creating new objects without IDs or updating existing objects where all fields are optional.

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Example code

If you want to follow along with the example code in this tutorial, you can clone the Speakeasy Zod OpenAPI example repo (opens in a new tab).

An Overview of Zod OpenAPI

Zod OpenAPI (opens in a new tab) is a TypeScript library that helps developers define OpenAPI schemas as Zod schemas. The stated goal of the project is to cut down on code duplication, and it does a wonderful job of this.

Zod schemas map to OpenAPI schemas well, and the changes required to extract OpenAPI documents from a schema defined in Zod are often small.

Zod OpenAPI is maintained by one of the contributors to an earlier library called Zod to OpenAPI (opens in a new tab). If you already use Zod to OpenAPI, the syntax will be familiar and you should be able to use either library. If you’d like to convert your Zod to OpenAPI code to Zod OpenAPI code, the Zod OpenAPI library provides helpful documentation for migrating code (opens in a new tab).

Step-by-Step Tutorial: From Zod to OpenAPI to an SDK

Now let’s walk through the process of generating an OpenAPI schema and SDK for our Burgers and Orders API.

1. Create Your Zod Project

If you would like to follow along, start by creating a new directory for your project. We’ll call ours zod-burgers.

Then, initialize a new npm project and install Zod:

mkdir zod-burgers
cd zod-burgers
npm init -y
npm install zod

2. Install the Zod OpenAPI Library

Use npm to install zod-openapi:

npm install zod-openapi yaml

3. Create Your App's First Zod Schema

Save this TypeScript code in a new file called index.ts.

4. Extend Zod With OpenAPI

We’ll add the openapi method to Zod by calling extendZodWithOpenApi once. Update index.ts to import extendZodWithOpenApi from zod-openapi, then call extendZodWithOpenApi.

5. Register and Generate a Component Schema

Next, we’ll use the new openapi method provided by extendZodWithOpenApi to register an OpenAPI schema for the burgerSchema. Edit index.ts and add .openapi({ref: "Burger"} to the burgerSchema schema object.

We’ll also add an OpenAPI generator, OpenApiGeneratorV31, and log the generated component to the console as YAML.

6. Add Metadata to Components

To generate an SDK that offers great developer experience, we recommend adding descriptions and examples to all fields in OpenAPI components.

With Zod OpenAPI, we’ll call the .openapi method on each field, and add an example and description to each field.

We’ll also add a description to the Burger component itself.

Edit index.ts and edit burgerSchema to add OpenAPI metadata.

7. Prepare to Generate an OpenAPI Document

Now that we know how to register components with metadata for our OpenAPI schema, let’s generate a complete schema document.

Import yaml and createDocument.

8. Generate an OpenAPI Document

We’ll use the createDocument method to generate an OpenAPI document. We’ll pass in the burgerSchema and a title for the document.

9. Run the Code

Run the code in the terminal:

npx ts-node index.ts

10. Add a Burger ID Schema

To make the burger ID available to other schemas, we’ll define a burger ID schema. We’ll also use this schema to define a path parameter for the burger ID later on.

Let’s create the burger ID schema now.

11. Replace the Burger ID Field With a Reference

We’ll replace the burger ID field with a reference to the burger ID schema.

12. Add a Schema for Creating Burgers

We’ll add a schema for creating burgers that doesn’t include an ID. We’ll use this schema to define the request body for the create burger path.

13. Add Paths

Paths define the endpoints of your API. For our burger restaurant, we might define endpoints for creating, reading, updating, and deleting burgers and orders.

To register paths and webhooks, we’ll define paths as objects of type ZodOpenApiOperationObject, then add our paths and webhooks to the document definition.

Start by importing ZodOpenApiOperationObject from zod-openapi.

14. Add a Create Burger Path

We’ll add a path for creating a new burger. We’ll use the ZodOpenApiOperationObject type to define the path.

15. Add a Read Burger Path

We’ll add a path for fetching a burger by ID. We’ll use the ZodOpenApiOperationObject type to define the path.

16. Add a Webhook That Runs When a Burger Is Created

We’ll add a webhook that runs when a burger is created. We’ll use the ZodOpenApiOperationObject type to define the webhook.

17. Register Paths and Webhooks

We’ll register our paths and webhooks by adding them to the document definition.

18. Run the Code

Run the code in the terminal:

npx ts-node index.ts
import { z } from "zod";
const burgerSchema = z.object({
id: z.number().min(1),
name: z.string().min(1).max(50),
description: z.string().max(255).optional(),

19. Generate an SDK

With our OpenAPI schema complete, we can now generate an SDK using the Speakeasy SDK generator. We’ll follow the instructions in the Speakeasy documentation to generate SDKs for various platforms.

First, write your YAML schema to a new file called openapi.yaml. Run the following in the terminal:

npx ts-node index.ts > openapi.yaml

Then, log in to your Speakeasy account or use the Speakeasy CLI to generate a new SDK.

Here’s how to use the CLI. In the terminal, run:

speakeasy quickstart

Follow the onscreen prompts to provide the necessary configuration details for your new SDK such as the name, schema location and output path. Enter openapi.yaml when prompted for the OpenAPI document location and select Python when prompted for which language you would like to generate.

Example Zod Schema and SDK Generator

The source code for our complete example is available in the zod-burgers (opens in a new tab) repository.

The repository contains a pre-generated Python SDK with instructions on how to generate more SDKs.

You can clone this repository to test how changes to the Zod schema definition result in changes to the generated SDK.


In this tutorial, we learned how to generate OpenAPI schemas from Zod and create client SDKs with Speakeasy.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your API is well-documented, easy to use, and offers a great developer experience.