Python Configuration Options
This section details the available configuration options for the Python SDK. All configuration is managed in the gen.yaml
file under the python
Version and general configuration
python:version: 1.2.3authors: ["Your Name"]packageName: "openapi"
Name | Required | Default Value | Description |
version | true | 0.0.1 | The current version of the SDK. |
packageName | true | openapi | The distribution name of the PyPI package. See Python Package Metadata (opens in a new tab). |
authors | true | ["Speakeasy"] | Authors of the published package. See Poetry Authors Field (opens in a new tab). |
Description and URLs
python:description: "Python Client SDK Generated by Speakeasy."homepage: ""documentationUrl: ""
Name | Required | Default Value | Description |
description | false | "Python Client SDK Generated by Speakeasy." | A short description of the project. See Poetry Description Field (opens in a new tab). |
homepage | false | null | The URL for the homepage of the project. |
documentationUrl | false | null | The URL for the project documentation. |
Additional dependencies
python:additionalDependencies:main:requests: "^2.25.1"dev:pytest: "^6.2.1"
Name | Required | Default Value | Description |
additionalDependencies | false | {} | Add additional dependencies to include in the generated pyproject.toml file. |
Method and parameter management
python:maxMethodParams: 4flatteningOrder: "parameters-first"methodArguments: "infer-optional-args"
Name | Required | Default Value | Description |
flattenRequests | false | true | Turn request parameters and body fields into a flat list of method arguments. This takes precedence over maxMethodParams. If there is no request body then maxMethodParams will be respected. |
maxMethodParams | false | 9999 | Maximum number of parameters before an input object is generated. 0 means input objects are always used. |
flatteningOrder | false | parameters-first | Determines the ordering of method arguments when flattening parameters and body fields. parameters-first or body-first |
methodArguments | false | require-security-and-request | Determines how arguments for SDK methods are generated. |
Security configuration
python:envVarPrefix: "SPEAKEASY"flattenGlobalSecurity: true
Name | Required | Default Value | Description |
flattenGlobalSecurity | false | true | Enables inline security credentials during SDK instantiation. |
envVarPrefix | false | "" | Sets a prefix for environment variables that allows users to configure global parameters and security. |
Import management
python:imports:option: "openapi"paths:callbacks: "models/callbacks"errors: "models/errors"operations: "models/operations"shared: "models/shared"webhooks: "models/webhooks"
Field | Required | Default Value | Description |
option | false | "openapi" | Defines the type of import strategy. Typically set to "openapi" , indicating that the structure is based on the OpenAPI document. |
paths | false | {} | Customizes where different parts of the SDK (e.g., callbacks, errors, and operations) will be imported from. |
Import paths
Component | Default Value | Description |
callbacks | models/callbacks | The directory where callback models will be imported from. |
errors | models/errors | The directory where error models will be imported from. |
operations | models/operations | The directory where operation models (i.e., API endpoints) will be imported from. |
shared | models/components | The directory for shared components, such as reusable schemas, and data models imported from the OpenAPI spec. |
webhooks | models/webhooks | The directory for webhook models, if your SDK includes support for webhooks. |
Error and response handling
python:clientServerStatusCodesAsErrors: trueresponseFormat: "flat"enumFormat: "enum"
Name | Required | Default Value | Description |
clientServerStatusCodesAsErrors | false | true | Whether to treat 4XX and 5XX status codes as errors. |
responseFormat | false | flat | Defines how responses are structured. Options: envelope , envelope-http , or flat . |
enumFormat | false | enum | Determines how enums are generated. Options: enum (Python enums) or union (union types). |