
Paths Object in OpenAPI

The paths object is a map of Path Item Objects that describes the available paths and operations for the API.

Each path is a relative path to the servers defined in the Servers object, either at the document, path, or operation level. For example, if a server is defined as and a path is defined as /drinks, the full URL to the path would be, where the path is appended to the server URL.


get: ... # operation definition
get: ... # operation definition
put: ... # operation definition
post: ... # operation definition
delete: ... # operation definition

/{path}Path Item ObjectA relative path to an individual endpoint, where the path must begin with a /.
x-*ExtensionsAny number of extension fields can be added to the paths object that can be used by tooling and vendors.

Path Item Object in OpenAPI

A Path Item Object describes the operations available on a single path. This is generally a map of HTTP methods to Operation Objects that describe the operations available.

It is possible to override the Servers defined at the document level for a specific path by providing a list of Server Objects at the path level.

It is also possible to provide a list of Parameters that are common to all operations defined on the path.


summary: Various operations for browsing and searching drinks
servers: # Override the servers defined at the document level and apply to all operations defined on this path
- url:
description: The drinks server
parameters: # Define a list of parameters that are common to all operations defined on this path
- name: type
in: query
type: string
- cocktail
- mocktail
- spirit
- beer
- wine
- cider
get: ... # operation definition


$ref: "#/components/pathItems/drinks" # Reference a Path Item Object defined in the Components Object allowing for reuse in different paths
- url:
description: The drinks server
- name: type
in: query
type: string
- cocktail
- mocktail
- spirit
- beer
- wine
- cider
get: ... # operation definition

$refStringAllows for referencing a Path Item Object defined in the Components Object under the pathItems field. If used, no other fields should be set.
summaryStringA short summary of what the path item represents. This may contain CommonMark syntax (opens in a new tab) to provide a rich description.
descriptionStringA description of the path item. This may contain CommonMark syntax (opens in a new tab) to provide a rich description.
serversServersA list of Server Objects that override the servers defined at the document level. Applies to all operations defined on this path.
parametersParametersA list of Parameter Objects that are common to all operations defined on this path.
getOperation ObjectAn operation associated with the GET HTTP method (opens in a new tab).
putOperation ObjectAn operation associated with the PUT HTTP method (opens in a new tab).
postOperation ObjectAn operation associated with the POST HTTP method (opens in a new tab).
deleteOperation ObjectAn operation associated with the DELETE HTTP method (opens in a new tab).
optionsOperation ObjectAn operation associated with the OPTIONS HTTP method (opens in a new tab).
headOperation ObjectAn operation associated with the HEAD HTTP method (opens in a new tab).
patchOperation ObjectAn operation associated with the PATCH HTTP method (opens in a new tab).
traceOperation ObjectAn operation associated with the TRACE HTTP method (opens in a new tab).
x-*ExtensionsAny number of extension fields can be added to the Path Item Object that can be used by tooling and vendors.

The order of fields above is recommended but is not significant to the order in which the endpoints should be used.