Custom code regions in TypeScript

To enable custom code regions for TypeScript SDKs, update the project’s .speakeasy/gen.yaml file like so:

configVersion: 2.0.0
# ...
# ...
+ enableCustomCodeRegions: true

Full example

The Speakeasy examples repository has a full example (opens in a new tab) of a TypeScript SDK that uses custom code regions.


Below are the available code regions in TypeScript SDKs.

SDK classes

TypeScript SDK classes can have two code regions:

  • // #region imports - allows the addition of imports to an SDK file needed for custom methods and properties. This region must be located at the top of the file alongside generated imports.
  • // #region sdk-class-body - allows the addition of custom methods and properties to an SDK class. This region must be located in the body of a TypeScript SDK class alongside generated methods and properties.

Managing dependencies

When adding custom code that requires external packages, you’ll need to configure these dependencies in your .speakeasy/gen.yaml file to prevent them from being removed during SDK regeneration. Use the additionalDependencies configuration to specify your package dependencies:

marked: "^5.0.0"
dompurify: "^3.0.0"
"@types/dompurify": "^3.0.0"
react: "^18.0.0"

This ensures your dependencies persist across SDK regenerations and are properly included in the generated package.json.

* Code generated by Speakeasy ( DO NOT EDIT.
import { todosGetOne } from "../funcs/todosGetOne.js";
import { ClientSDK, RequestOptions } from "../lib/sdks.js";
import * as operations from "../models/operations/index.js";
import { unwrapAsync } from "../types/fp.js";
// #region imports
import DOMPurify from 'dompurify';
import marked from "marked";
import type { Todo } from "../models/components/todo.js";
// #endregion imports
export class Todos extends ClientSDK {
// #region sdk-class-body
async renderTodo(id: string): Promise<string> {
const todo = await this.getOne({ id });
const html = await marked.parse(`# ${todo.title}\n\n${todo.description}`, {
async: true,
return DOMPurify.sanitize(html);
// #endregion sdk-class-body
async getOne(request: operations.TodosGetOneRequest, options?: RequestOptions): Promise<operations.TodosGetOneResponse> {
return await unwrapAsync(todosGetOne(this, request, options));