API Design
Returning HTTP status codes

Using HTTP status codes

Arguments between developers will continue for the rest of time over the exact appropriate code to use in any given situation, but these are the most important status codes to look out for in an API, and their accepted meanings:

2XX is all about success

Whatever your application tried to do was successful, up to the point that the response was sent. A 200 OK means you got your answer, a 201 Created means the thing was created, and a 202 Accepted is similar but does not say anything about the actual result, it only indicates that a request was accepted and is being processed asynchronously. It could still go wrong, but at the time of responding it was all looking good so far.

The common success status codes and when to use them:

  • 200 - Generic everything is OK.
  • 201 - Created something OK.
  • 202 - Accepted but is being processed async (for a video means. encoding, for an image means resizing, etc.).
  • 204 - No Content but still a success. Used for a DELETE request, for example.

Example success response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"user": {
"id": 123,
"name": "John Doe"

3XX is all about redirection

These are all about sending the calling application somewhere else for the actual resource. The best known of these are the 303 See Other and the 301 Moved Permanently, which are used a lot on the web to redirect a browser to another URL. Usually a redirect will be combined with a Location header to point to the new location of the content.

4XX is all about client errors

Indicate to your clients that they did something wrong. They might have forgotten to send authentication details, provided invalid data, requested a resource that no longer exists, or done something else wrong which needs fixing.

Key client error codes:

  • 400 - Bad Request (should really be for invalid syntax, but some folks. use for validation).
  • 401 - Unauthorized (no current user and there should be).
  • 403 - The current user is forbidden from accessing this data.
  • 404 - That URL is not a valid route, or the item resource does not exist.
  • 405 - Method Not Allowed (your framework will probably do this for you.)
  • 406 - Not Acceptable (the client asked for a content type that the API does not support.)
  • 409 - Conflict (Maybe somebody else just changed some of this data, or status cannot change from e.g: “published” to “draft”).
  • 410 - Gone - Data has been deleted, deactivated, suspended, etc.
  • 415 - The request had a Content-Type which the server does not know how to handle.
  • 429 - Rate Limited, which means take a breather, sleep a bit, try again.

Example error response:

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json
"errors": [
"message": "Email address is not properly formatted",
"field": "email"

5XX is all about service errors

With these status codes, the API, or some network component like a load balancer, web server, application server, etc. is indicating that something went wrong on their side. For example, a database connection failed, or another service was down. Typically, a client application can retry the request. The server can even specify when the client should retry, using a Retry-After HTTP header.

Key server error codes:

  • 500 - Something unexpected happened, and it is the API’s fault.
  • 502 - API is down, but it is not the API’s fault.
  • 503 - API is not here right now, please try again later.

Example error response:

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Content-Type: application/json
"errors": [
"code": "SERVER_ERROR",
"message": "Something went wrong on our end"

As you can see, there are a whole bunch of HTTP status codes. You don’t need to try and use them all, but it is good to know what they are and what they mean so you can use the right one for the job.

You have two choices, either read the full list of status codes from the IANA (opens in a new tab), or swing by http.cats (opens in a new tab) and see what the cats have to say about it.