Java Configuration Options
This section details the available configuration options for the Java SDK. All configuration is managed in the gen.yaml
file under the java
Version and general configuration
java:version: 1.2.3projectName: "openapi"
Name | Required | Default Value | Description |
version | true | 0.0.1 | The current version of the SDK. |
projectName | true | openapi | Assigns Gradle , which names the Gradle build. See Gradle Naming (opens in a new tab). |
java:groupID: "com.mycompany"artifactID: "my-sdk"ossrhURL: ""githubURL: ""companyName: "My Company"companyURL: ""companyEmail: ""
Name | Required | Default Value | Description |
groupID | true | org.openapis | The group ID used for namespacing the package. Typically the reversed domain of your organization. |
artifactID | true | openapi | The artifact ID used for namespacing the package, usually the name of the project. |
ossrhURL | false | N/A | The URL of the staging repository to publish the SDK artifact to. |
githubURL | for publishing | | The GitHub URL where the artifact is hosted. Sets metadata required by Maven. |
companyName | for publishing | My Company | The name of your company. Sets metadata required by Maven. |
companyURL | for publishing | | Your company’s homepage URL. Sets metadata required by Maven. |
companyEmail | for publishing | | A support email address for your company. Sets metadata required by Maven. |
Additional Dependencies
java:additionalDependencies:- "implementation:com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:2.12.3"- "testImplementation:junit:junit:4.13.2"
Name | Required | Default Value | Description |
additionalDependencies | false | [] | Adds additional dependencies to include in build.gradle . Format: scope:groupId:artifactId:version . |
additionalPlugins | false | [] | Adds additional plugins to include in build.gradle . Format: id("") version "x.x.x" . |
java:license:name: "The MIT License (MIT)"url: ""shortName: "MIT"
Name | Required | Default Value | Description |
license | false | MIT License | License information. Defaults to the MIT license if not provided. |
Method and parameter management
java:maxMethodParams: 4
Name | Required | Default Value | Description |
maxMethodParams | false | 4 | Maximum number of parameters before an input object is created. 0 means input objects are always used. |
Security configuration
java:flattenGlobalSecurity: true
Property | Description | Type | Default |
flattenGlobalSecurity | Enables inline security credentials during SDK instantiation. Recommended: true | boolean | true |
Module management
java:moduleFormat: "dual"useIndexModules: true
Name | Required | Default Value | Description |
useIndexModules | false | true | Determines if index modules (index.ts ) are generated. |
moduleFormat | false | commonjs | Sets the module format to use when compiling the SDK (commonjs , esm , or dual ). |
Import management
java:imports:paths:callbacks: models/callbackserrors: models/errorsoperations: models/operationsshared: models/componentswebhooks: models/webhooks
Field | Required | Default Value | Description |
paths | false | {} | Customizes where different parts of the SDK (e.g., callbacks, errors, and operations) will be imported from. |
Import paths
Component | Default Value | Description |
callbacks | models/callbacks | The directory where callback models will be imported from. |
errors | models/errors | The directory where error models will be imported from. |
operations | models/operations | The directory where operation models (i.e., API endpoints) will be imported from. |
shared | models/components | The directory for shared components, such as reusable schemas and data models, imported from the OpenAPI spec. |
webhooks | models/webhooks | The directory for webhook models, if your SDK includes support for webhooks. |
Error and response handling
java:clientServerStatusCodesAsErrors: false
Name | Required | Default Value | Description |
clientServerStatusCodesAsErrors | false | true | Whether to treat 4xx and 5xx status codes as errors. Options: true or false . |