
speakeasy run

Run all the workflows defined in your workflow.yaml file. This can include multiple SDK generations from different OpenAPI sources



Execute the workflow(s) defined in your .speakeasy/workflow.yaml file.

A workflow can consist of multiple targets that define a source OpenAPI document that can be downloaded from a URL, exist as a local file, or be created via merging multiple OpenAPI documents together and/or overlaying them with an OpenAPI overlay document.

A full workflow is capable of running the following:

  • Downloading source OpenAPI documents from a URL
  • Merging multiple OpenAPI documents together
  • Overlaying OpenAPI documents with an OpenAPI overlay document
  • Generating one or many SDKs from the resulting OpenAPI document
  • Compiling the generated SDKs

If speakeasy run is run without any arguments it will run either the first target in the workflow or the first source in the workflow if there are no other targets or sources, otherwise it will prompt you to select a target or source to run.


speakeasy run [flags]


-d, --debug enable writing debug files with broken code
--github kick off a generation run in GitHub
-h, --help help for run
-i, --installationURL string the language specific installation URL for installation instructions if the SDK is not published to a package manager
--installationURLs string a map from target ID to installation URL for installation instructions if the SDK is not published to a package manager (default "null")
--minimal only run the steps that are strictly necessary to generate the SDK
-o, --output string What to output while running (default "summary")
--registry-tags strings tags to apply to the speakeasy registry bundle (comma-separated list)
-r, --repo string the repository URL for the SDK, if the published (-p) flag isn't used this will be used to generate installation instructions
-b, --repo-subdir string the subdirectory of the repository where the SDK is located in the repo, helps with documentation generation
--repo-subdirs string a map from target ID to the subdirectory of the repository where the SDK is located in the repo, helps with documentation generation (default "null")
--set-version string the manual version to apply to the generated SDK
--skip-compile skip compilation when generating the SDK
--skip-testing skip testing after generating the SDK, if testing is configured in the workflow
--skip-upload-spec skip uploading the spec to the registry
--skip-versioning skip automatic SDK version increments
-s, --source string source to run. specify 'all' to run all sources
-t, --target string target to run. specify 'all' to run all targets
--verbose Verbose logging
-w, --watch launch the web studio for improving the quality of the generated SDK

Options inherited from parent commands

--logLevel string the log level (available options: [info, warn, error]) (default "info")

Parent Command

  • speakeasy - The Speakeasy CLI tool provides access to the platform