
Components Object in OpenAPI

The Components Object is a container for reusable objects that can be referenced across the API. These objects can be referenced using References, and generally are only valid if referenced by other parts of the API.

schemasMap[string, Schema Object]*A map of Schema Objects that can be referenced by other parts of the API.

Note: OpenAPI 3.0.x does support OpenAPI Reference Objects as the value here, but 3.1.x uses the JSON Schema Referencing format.
securitySchemesMap[string, Security Scheme Object | OpenAPI Reference Object]*A map of Security Scheme Objects that can be referenced by other parts of the API.
pathItemsMap[string, Path Item Object | OpenAPI Reference Object]*A map of Path Item Objects that can be referenced by other parts of the API.
parametersMap[string, Parameter Object | OpenAPI Reference Object]*A map of Parameter Objects that can be referenced by other parts of the API.
requestBodiesMap[string, Request Body Object | OpenAPI Reference Object]*A map of Request Body Objects that can be referenced by other parts of the API.
responsesMap[string, Response Object | OpenAPI Reference Object]*A map of Response Objects that can be referenced by other parts of the API.
headersMap[string, Header Object | OpenAPI Reference Object]*A map of Header Objects that can be referenced by other parts of the API.
examplesMap[string, Example Object | OpenAPI Reference Object]*A map of Example Objects that can be referenced by other parts of the API.
callbacksMap[string, Callback Object | OpenAPI Reference Object]*A map of Callback Objects that can be referenced by other parts of the API.
linksMap[string, Link Object | OpenAPI Reference Object]*A map of Link Objects that can be referenced by other parts of the API.
x-*ExtensionsAny number of extension fields can be added to the Components Object that can be used by tooling and vendors.