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Why Apiture Switched from OSS Generators to Speakeasy for High-Quality SDKs

Apiture partnered with Speakeasy to generate SDKs for its API platform to streamline integrations and provide an enjoyable customer experience.

Why Apiture Switched from OSS Generators to Speakeasy for High-Quality SDKs

Nowhere has the digital revolution been as furiously fast-paced as the financial ecosystem. To help banks and credit unions evolve with this ever-changing ecosystem, Apiture (opens in a new tab) provides online and mobile banking solutions. The key to their approach lies in the name: Apiture.

All of Apiture’s solutions rely on the Apiture API platform. That’s why Chief API Officer, David Biesack, is always on the hunt for the best API technology available to his team, and why he was early to partner with Speakeasy to develop SDKs.

"SDKs are hugely important on both sides of the equation because no one really wants to code an HTTP API at a low level. For example, with a TypeScript SDK, we want to generate TypeScript classes and interfaces such that people have type safety to support them, and tell them when they've made a mistake."


David Biesack, Chief API Officer at Apiture

Incomplete Support & Maintenance Burden of the OSS Generators

Prior to Speakeasy, Apiture had a custom SDK generation solution built using the OSS Generators. However, they were always acutely aware of the incomplete support of OpenAPI features and the ongoing maintenance required for their custom templates. Working with Speakeasy not only offered superior SDKs to what they were able to develop internally but also provided the Apiture team with a partner who cared as much about APIs as they did.

"The quality of the code we get from the Speakeasy SDK generation is much higher than the OpenAPI generator. Speakeasy is a great partner because you are very responsive to talking about features, how we want to represent SDKs, and how we want to integrate and have them work within a larger ecosystem of APIs. The support and responsiveness were highly critical to me with a partner for doing SDK generation. And support for the languages that we were most interested in."


David Biesack, Chief API Officer at Apiture

Making Your API a Joy to Work With

The Apiture team now has SDKs that cover the things they care about most, exposed in an interface that’s easy to work with:

  • Comprehensive idiomatic error handling to simplify the API user experience;
  • Easy-to-use authentication to make APIs more accessible;
  • Dynamic runtime error checking to ensure client & server code is always correct;
  • A CLI-native experience to embed SDK creation in Apiture’s CI/CD pipeline.

The job of removing friction from your API is never finished, but using Speakeasy provides Apiture with tools that brings them one step closer to a seamless integration experience.

"My ultimate definition of developer experience is I want our APIs to be a joy to work with. I want people to get their job done and not be frustrated. That’s the job of the ecosystem around our APIs: the documentation, the SDKs, breaking change detection, and so on."


David Biesack, Chief API Officer at Apiture

Watch David Biesack share his extensive API expertise and his experience with Speakeasy.

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