Customizing SDK Tests

Regenerate tests from scratch

By default tests will only be populated from modifications to the tests.arazzo.yaml file once they have been boostrapped. If you would like to regenerate all of your SDK tests from scratch, you can run the following command:

speakeasy configure tests --rebuild

Disable auto generation of tests for specific operations

When generateNewTests is enabled in the .speakeasy/gen.yaml file, all new operations found on the next generation after they are added will automatically have workflows created for then in the .speakeasy/tests.arazzo.yaml file and therefore tests will be generated for them.

To disable auto generation of tests for specific operations, the x-speakeasy-test extension can be added to the operation in the OpenAPI document.

openapi: 3.1.0
# ...
x-speakeasy-test: false # Disables auto generation of tests for this operation
# ...
# ...

alternatively if a workflow/test already exists that references the operation in the .speakeasy/tests.arazzo.yaml file, then no new workflow will be created for the operation.

Grouping tests

By default, all tests will be generated into a single file related to the main SDK class for example sdk.test.ts ,, or This can be configured by adding a x-speakeasy-test-group extension to the workflow which will determine which tests will be grouped together in seperate test files.

arazzo: 1.0.0
# ...
- workflowId: some-test
x-speakeasy-test-group: user # All tests in the user group will end up in the `user.test.ts`/``/`user_test.go` files
# ...

Generate tests only for specific targets

By default, all tests will be generated for all supported targets. Using the x-speakeasy-test-targets or x-speakeasy-test-targets-exclude extensions, it is possible to generate tests only for specific targets. This may be useful if tests are either not needed for certain languages or they may be failing in a certain language.

arazzo: 1.0.0
# ...
- workflowId: some-test
x-speakeasy-test-targets: # Only generate tests for the typescript target
- typescript
# ...


arazzo: 1.0.0
# ...
- workflowId: some-test
x-speakeasy-test-targets-exclude: # generate tests for all languages except typescript
- typescript
# ...

Customizing SDK Test Manifests

Directly modifying SDK tests is not common, but you can customize the actual content of an existing SDK test by modifying the .speakeasy/tests.arazzo.yaml file. To learn more about these kinds of modifications see here.

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