Generate OpenAPI from Hono

How to generate an OpenAPI/Swagger spec with Hono

This guide walks you through generating an OpenAPI specification for a Hono (opens in a new tab) API and using Speakeasy to create an SDK based on the generated specification.

Here’s what we’ll do:

  1. Add Zod OpenAPI and Swagger UI to a Node.js Hono project.
  2. Generate an OpenAPI spec using the Zod OpenAPI Hono middleware.
  3. Improve the generated OpenAPI spec to prepare it for code gen.
  4. Use the Speakeasy CLI to create an SDK based on the OpenAPI spec.
  5. Add Speakeasy OpenAPI extensions to improve the created SDK.

We’ll also take a look at how you can use the created SDK.

Your Hono project might not be as simple as our example app, but the steps below should translate well to any Hono project.

The OpenAPI creation pipeline

Zod OpenAPI (opens in a new tab) is a Hono middleware that allows you to validate values and types using Zod (opens in a new tab) and generate an OpenAPI spec. We’ll begin by defining data schemas with Zod, and then set up the Hono app to generate an OpenAPI spec.

The quality of your OpenAPI spec determines the quality of generated SDKs and documentation, so we’ll look into ways you can improve the generated spec as described in our OpenAPI Overview and Best Practices documentation.

We’ll then use the improved OpenAPI spec to create an SDK using Speakeasy.

Finally, we’ll use a simplified example to demonstrate how to use the generated SDK and how to add SDK creation to a CI/CD pipeline so that Speakeasy automatically creates fresh SDKs whenever your Hono API changes in the future.


This guide assumes that you have an existing Hono app and basic familiarity with Hono.

Info Icon

Example repository

If you don’t have a Hono app, or you want to follow along step-by-step, you can clone the Speakeasy Hono example repo (opens in a new tab) to follow along with the example code in this tutorial. The initial-app branch has the initial state of the app that we’ll use to start this tutorial.

The following should be installed on your machine:

If you’re using the example application (opens in a new tab), add a .env file containing the following environmental variables to the root of your project:


Adding the Zod OpenAPI middleware to a Hono project

We’ll use the Zod OpenAPI Hono (opens in a new tab) middleware to generate an OpenAPI spec. We’ll create Zod schemas to validate values and types, and to generate part of the OpenAPI spec.

Creating Zod schemas

First, install the middleware and Zod:

npm i zod @hono/zod-openapi

Next, create a schemas.ts file in the src folder and create Zod schemas for your data:

import { z } from '@hono/zod-openapi';
export const UserInsertSchema = z
name: z.string(),
age: z.number(),
export const UserSelectSchema = z
id: z.string(),
name: z.string(),
age: z.number()
export const patchUserSchema = UserInsertSchema.partial();

The z object should be imported from @hono/zod-openapi.

Create schema for your request-query params, messages, and error responses:

export const idParamsSchema = z.object({
id: z
export function createMessageObjectSchema(exampleMessage: string = 'Hello World') {
return z.object({
message: z.string(),
export function createErrorSchema<
T extends ZodSchema,
>(schema: T) {
const { error } = schema.safeParse(
=== z.ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodArray
? []
: {},
return z.object({
success: z.boolean(),
error: z
issues: z.array(
code: z.string(),
path: z.array(
z.union([z.string(), z.number()]),
message: z.string().optional(),
name: z.string(),

Create a types.ts file in the src/lib folder and add the ZodSchema type to it:

import type { z } from '@hono/zod-openapi';
// eslint-disable-next-line ts/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-expect-error
export type ZodSchema = z.ZodUnion | z.AnyZodObject | z.ZodArray<z.AnyZodObject>;

Import this type in the src/schemas.ts file.

import type { ZodSchema } from './lib/types';

Replacing the Hono instances with OpenAPIHono

Set up your app to use the OpenAPIHono instance of the Zod OpenAPI middleware instead of the Hono instance. Import the OpenAPIHono class in the src/lib/createApp.ts file:

import { OpenAPIHono } from '@hono/zod-openapi';

Remove the Hono import and replace the Hono instances with OpenAPIHono:

- return new Hono({ strict: false });
+ return new OpenAPIHono({ strict: false });
- const app = new Hono({ strict: false });
+ const app = new OpenAPIHono({ strict: false });

The OpenAPIHono class is an extension of the Hono class that gives OpenAPIHono its OpenAPI spec generation functionality.

Defining routes

Let’s split the routes and handlers into separate files for better code organization.

Create a users.routes.ts file in the src/routes/users folder and use the Zod OpenAPI createRoute method to define your routes:

import { createRoute, z } from '@hono/zod-openapi';
import { createErrorSchema, createMessageObjectSchema, idParamsSchema, patchUserSchema, UserInsertSchema, UserSelectSchema } from '@/schemas';
export const list = createRoute({
path: '/users',
method: 'get',
responses: {
200: {
content: {
'application/json': {
schema: z.array(UserSelectSchema),
description: 'The list of users',
export const create = createRoute({
path: '/users',
method: 'post',
request: {
body: {
content: {
'application/json': {
schema: UserInsertSchema,
description: 'The user to create',
required: true,
responses: {
200: {
content: {
'application/json': {
schema: UserSelectSchema,
description: 'The created user',
404: {
content: {
'application/json': {
schema: createMessageObjectSchema('Not Found'),
description: 'User not found',
422: {
content: {
'application/json': {
schema: createErrorSchema(patchUserSchema),
description: 'The validation error(s)',
export const getOne = createRoute({
path: '/users/{id}',
method: 'get',
request: {
params: idParamsSchema,
responses: {
200: {
content: {
'application/json': {
schema: UserSelectSchema,
description: 'The requested user',
404: {
content: {
'application/json': {
schema: createMessageObjectSchema('Not Found'),
description: 'User not found',
422: {
content: {
'application/json': {
schema: createErrorSchema(patchUserSchema),
description: 'Invalid id error',
export type ListRoute = typeof list;
export type CreateRoute = typeof create;
export type GetOneRoute = typeof getOne;

The createRoute function takes in an object that describes the route’s request and possible responses. The Zod schema defines the request and response content. The route types are then exported for use in the route handlers.

Defining route handlers

Create a users.handlers.ts file in the src/routes/users folder and add the following route handlers to it:

import type { AppRouteHandler } from '@/lib/types';
import type { CreateRoute, GetOneRoute, ListRoute } from '@/routes/users/users.routes';
export const list: AppRouteHandler<ListRoute> = async (c) => {
// Add db query to get all users
return c.json([{
age: 42,
id: '123',
name: 'John Doe',
}, {
age: 32,
id: '124',
name: 'Sarah Jones',
}], 200);
export const create: AppRouteHandler<CreateRoute> = async (c) => {
const user = c.req.valid('json');
console.log({ user });
// Add db query create a user
return c.json({
age: 42,
id: '2342',
name: 'John Doe',
}, 200);
export const getOne: AppRouteHandler<GetOneRoute> = async (c) => {
const { id } = c.req.valid('param');
// Add db query to get a user by id
const foundUser = {
age: 50,
name: 'Lisa Smith',
if (!foundUser) {
return c.json(
message: 'Not found',
return c.json(foundUser, 200);

Add the following AppRouteHandler type to the src/lib/types.ts file:

import type { RouteConfig, RouteHandler } from '@hono/zod-openapi';
export type AppRouteHandler<R extends RouteConfig> = RouteHandler<R>;

The handlers are made type safe by the route types. The request and response data in the Hono context object (opens in a new tab) is type checked using the schema defined in the routes. If you use an incorrect type, for example setting age: to 42, you’ll get a type error.

Configuring the middleware for each endpoint

Replace the code in the src/routes/users/users.index.ts file with the following lines of code:

import { createRouter } from '@/lib/createApp';
import * as handlers from './users.handlers';
import * as routes from './users.routes';
const router = createRouter()
.openapi(routes.list, handlers.list)
.openapi(routes.create, handlers.create)
.openapi(routes.getOne, handlers.getOne);
export default router;

The openapi method takes the route and the handler as its arguments and configures the Zod OpenAPI middleware for each endpoint on the OpenAPIHono instance

Configuring and generating the OpenAPI spec

Create a file called configureOpenAPI.ts in the src/lib folder and add the following lines of code to it:

import type { OpenAPIHono } from '@hono/zod-openapi';
import packageJson from '../../package.json';
export const openAPIObjectConfig = {
openapi: '3.1.0',
externalDocs: {
description: 'Find out more about Users API',
url: '',
info: {
version: packageJson.version,
title: 'Users API',
export default function configureOpenAPI(app: OpenAPIHono) {
app.doc31('/doc', openAPIObjectConfig);

The configureOpenAPI function takes in an OpenAPIHono instance and generates an OpenAPI version 3.1 spec using the doc31 method. The OpenAPI spec can be viewed at the '/doc' endpoint. The OpenAPI configuration object is then passed in to the function to add fields to the root object of the OpenAPI spec.

Now, pass in the OpenAPIHono app instance to the configureOpenAPI function in the src/app.ts file:

import configureOpenAPI from './lib/configureOpenAPI';

Supported OpenAPI Specification versions in Hono and Speakeasy

Speakeasy currently supports the OpenAPI Specification versions 3.0.x and 3.1.x. We recommend using OpenAPI Specification version 3.1 if possible, as it’s fully compatible with JSON Schema (opens in a new tab), which gives you access to a large ecosystem of tools and libraries.

Zod OpenAPI Hono can generate an OpenAPI spec using version 3.0 or version 3.1 of OpenAPI Specification. This guide uses version 3.1.

Run the development server and open http://localhost:3000/doc (opens in a new tab) to see the OpenAPI spec in JSON format:

"openapi": "3.1.0",
"externalDocs": {
"description": "Find out more about Users API",
"url": ""
"info": {
"version": "1.0.0",
"title": "Users API"
"components": {
"schemas": {
"parameters": {
"paths": {
"/users": {
"get": {
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "The list of users",
"content": {
"application/json": {
"schema": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",

Adding Swagger UI middleware

Let’s use the Swagger UI middleware (opens in a new tab) to add an interactive documentation UI for the API.

Install the middleware:

npm install @hono/swagger-ui

Import the swaggerUI middleware in the src/lib/configureOpenAPI.ts file:

import { swaggerUI } from '@hono/swagger-ui';

Add the middleware as a handler for GET requests to the /ui route:

export default function configureOpenAPI(app: OpenAPIHono) {
app.doc31('/doc', openAPIObjectConfig);
app.get('/ui', swaggerUI({ url: '/doc' }));

Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000/ui (opens in a new tab). You should see the Swagger UI with three API endpoints:

Swagger UI endpoints

You can see the parameters required for API endpoints and try out the different API endpoints. In the http://localhost:3000/doc route, you can also view the OpenAPI spec in JSON format.

Register the Zod schemas as reusable OpenAPI component schemas

The request and response content schemas of the OpenAPI spec are inline:

"components": {
"schemas": {},
"parameters": {}
"paths": {
"/users": {
"get": {
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "The list of users",
"content": {
"application/json": {
"schema": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"id": {
"type": "string"

Let’s make these schemas reusable by adding them to the OpenAPI components object (opens in a new tab).

Use the .openapi() method on the Zod object (opens in a new tab) to register your Zod schemas as referenced components in the src/schemas.ts file:

export const UserSelectSchema = z
id: z.string(),
name: z.string(),
age: z.number(),

This adds your schemas to the OpenAPI components object:

"components": {
"schemas": {
"UserSelect": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"id": {
"type": "string"
"name": {
"type": "string"
"age": {
"type": "number"
"required": [

The schemas are referenced using $ref (opens in a new tab), which is the reference identifier that specifies the location (as a URI) of the value being referenced.

"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "The created user",
"content": {
"application/json": {
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/components/schemas/UserSelect"

Adding OpenAPI metadata to the Zod schemas

Let’s add additional OpenAPI metadata to our schemas.

In the src/schemas.ts file, add example values by passing in an object with an example property to the openapi method:

schemas.ts :10
export const UserInsertSchema = z
name: z.string()
example: 'John Doe',
age: z.number()
example: 42,
export const UserSelectSchema = z
id: z.string()
example: '123',
name: z.string()
example: 'John Doe',
age: z.number()
example: 42,

Define the route parameters for parameter schema:

export const idParamsSchema = z.object({
id: z
param: {
name: 'id',
in: 'path',
example: '423',

After adding the OpenAPI metadata to your schemas, you’ll see that your OpenAPI spec and Swagger UI will show example values for the schemas used in requests and responses:

Swagger UI POST request example values

You can also see details about the example data schemas:

Swagger UI example data schema

Add the OpenAPI operationId using Hono Zod OpenAPI

In the OpenAPI spec, each HTTP request has an operationId that identifies the operation. The operationId is also used to generate method names and documentation in SDKs.

To add an operationId, use the operationId property of the createRoute method in the src/routes/users/users.routes.ts file:

export const list = createRoute({
operationId: 'getUsers',

Adding OpenAPI tags to Zod OpenAPI Hono routes

Whether you’re building a big application or only have a handful of operations, we recommend adding tags to all your Hono routes so you can group them by tag in generated SDK code and documentation.

Adding OpenAPI tags to routes in Hono

To add an OpenAPI tag to a Zod OpenAPI Hono route, use the tags property to pass in an array of tags as the argument object of the createRoute method call:

tags: ['Users'],

Adding metadata to tags

We can add metadata to the tag by passing in a tag object (opens in a new tab), instead of a string, to a tag array item.

Add a tag to the root OpenAPI object openAPIObjectConfig in the src/lib/configureOpenAPI.ts file:

export const openAPIObjectConfig = {
openapi: '3.1.0',
externalDocs: {
description: 'Find out more about Users API',
url: '',
tags: [{
name: 'Users',
description: 'Users operations',
externalDocs: {
description: 'Find more info here',
url: '',

Adding a list of servers to the Hono OpenAPI spec

When validating an OpenAPI spec, Speakeasy expects a list of servers at the root of the spec.

Add a server by adding a servers property to the openAPIObjectConfig object:

export const openAPIObjectConfig = {
openapi: '3.1.0',
externalDocs: {
description: 'Find out more about Users API',
url: '',
servers: [
url: 'http://localhost:3000/',
description: 'Development server',

Adding retries to your SDK with x-speakeasy-retries

OpenAPI spec extensions allow us to add vendor-specific functionality to the spec.

  • Extension fields must be prefixed with x-.
  • Speakeasy uses extensions that start with x-speakeasy-.

Let’s add a Speakeasy extension that adds retries to requests from Speakeasy SDKs by adding a top-level x-speakeasy-retries schema to the OpenAPI spec. We can also override the retry strategy per operation.

Adding global retries

Apply the Speakeasy retries extension globally by adding the following 'x-speakeasy-retries' property to the openAPIObjectConfig object:

export const openAPIObjectConfig = {
openapi: '3.1.0',
externalDocs: {
description: 'Find out more about Users API',
url: '',
servers: [
url: 'http://localhost:3000/',
description: 'Development server',
'x-speakeasy-retries': {
strategy: 'backoff',
backoff: {
initialInterval: 500,
maxInterval: 60000,
maxElapsedTime: 3600000,
exponent: 1.5,
statusCodes: ['5XX'],
retryConnectionErrors: true,

Adding retries per method

To create a unique retry strategy for a single route, add an 'x-speakeasy-retries' property to the createRoute method call’s argument object:

export const list = createRoute({
'operationId': 'getUsers',
'path': '/users',
'method': 'get',
'tags': ['Users'],
'x-speakeasy-retries': {
strategy: 'backoff',
backoff: {
initialInterval: 300,
maxInterval: 40000,
maxElapsedTime: 3000000,
exponent: 1.2,
statusCodes: ['5XX'],
retryConnectionErrors: true,

Creating an SDK based on your OpenAPI spec

Before creating an SDK, we need to save the Hono Zod OpenAPI-generated OpenAPI spec to a file. OpenAPI files are written as JSON or YAML; we’ll save it as a YAML file, as it’s easier to read.

Saving the OpenAPI spec to a YAML file using a Node.js script

Let’s create a script to convert the OpenAPI object to a YAML file. We’ll use the JS-YAML library to convert the OpenAPI object to a YAML string

Create a script called generateOpenAPIYamlFile.ts in the src folder and add the following lines of code to it:

import * as yaml from 'js-yaml';
import { writeFileSync } from 'node:fs';
import users from '@/routes/users/users.index';
import configureOpenAPI, { openAPIObjectConfig } from './lib/configureOpenAPI';
import createApp from './lib/createApp';
const app = createApp();
const routes = [
] as const;
routes.forEach((route) => {
app.route('/', route);
// Convert the OpenAPIObject to a YAML string
const yamlString = yaml.dump(app.getOpenAPI31Document(openAPIObjectConfig));
// Save the YAML string to a file
writeFileSync('openapi.yaml', yamlString);

This initializes the app and routes, uses the getOpenAPI31Document method to generate an OpenAPI Specification v3.1 schema object, converts the schema object to a YAML string, and saves it as a file.

Add the following script to your package.json file:

"create:openapi": "npx tsx ./src/generateOpenAPIYamlFile.ts"

Run the script using the following command:

npm run create:openapi

An openapi.yaml file will be created in your root folder.

Linting the OpenAPI spec with Speakeasy

The Speakeasy CLI has an OpenAPI linting command that checks the OpenAPI document for errors and style issues.

Run the linting command:

speakeasy lint openapi --schema ./openapi.yaml

A lint report will be displayed in the terminal, showing errors, warnings, and hints:

Speakeasy lint report

The Speakeasy Linter uses a recommended set of rules that you can configure.

Speakeasy also has a VS Code extension (opens in a new tab) to help you validate your OpenAPI documents for the creation of production-grade SDKs.

Creating an SDK from the Speakeasy CLI

We’ll use the quickstart command for a guided SDK setup.

Run the command using the Speakeasy CLI:

speakeasy quickstart

Following the prompts, provide the OpenAPI document location, name the SDK SDK, and select TypeScript as the SDK language.

In the terminal, you’ll see the steps taken by Speakeasy to create the SDK.

│ Workflow - success
│ └─Target: sdk - success
│ └─Source: SDK -OAS - success
│ └─Validating Document - success
│ └─Diagnosing OpenAPI - success
│ └─Tracking OpenAPI Changes - success
│ └─Snapshotting OpenAPI Revision - success
│ └─Storing OpenAPI Revision - success
│ └─Validating gen.yaml - success
│ └─Generating Typescript SDK - success
│ └─Setup Environment - success
│ └─Load and Validate Document - success
│ └─Generate SDK - success
│ └─Compile SDK - success

Speakeasy validates the OpenAPI document to check that it’s ready for code generation. Validation issues will be printed in the terminal. The generated SDK will be saved as a folder in your project.

If you get ESLint styling errors, run the speakeasy quickstart command from outside your project.

Adding SDK generation to your GitHub Actions

The Speakeasy sdk-generation-action (opens in a new tab) repository provides workflows for integrating the Speakeasy CLI into CI/CD pipelines to automatically regenerate SDKs when the OpenAPI spec changes.

You can set up Speakeasy to automatically push a new branch to your SDK repositories so that your engineers can review and merge the SDK changes.

For an overview of how to set up automation for your SDKs, see the Speakeasy SDK Workflow Matrix.

Using your SDK

Once you’ve created your SDK, you can publish it for use. For TypeScript, you can publish it as an npm package.

A quick, non-production-ready way to see your SDK in action is to copy your SDK folder to a frontend TypeScript project and use it there.

For example, you can create a Vite project that uses TypeScript:

npm create vite@latest

Copy the SDK folder from your Hono app to the src directory of your TypeScript Vite project and delete the SDK folder in your Hono project.

In the SDK file, you’ll find documentation about your Speakeasy SDK.

Note that the SDK is not ready for production use. To get it production-ready, follow the steps outlined in your Speakeasy workspace.

The SDK has Zod as a peer dependency, as can be seen in the sdk-typescript/package.json file.

Install the required Zod version:

npm i zod

Replace the code in the src/main.ts file with the following example code taken from the sdk-typescript/docs/sdk/users/ file:

import { SDK } from './sdk-typescript/src/'; // Adjust the path as necessary eg if your generated SDK has a different name
const sdk = new SDK();
async function run() {
const result = await sdk.users.getUsers();
// Handle the result
console.log({ result });

Run the Vite dev server:

npm run dev

Enable CORS in your Hono dev server by importing the built-in CORS middleware:

import { cors } from 'hono/cors';

Add the middleware and set the origin to the Vite dev server URL:

origin: 'http://localhost:5173',

Run the Hono dev server as well:

npm run dev

You’ll see the following logged in your browser dev tools console:

"result": [
"id": "123",
"name": "John Doe",
"age": 42
"id": "124",
"name": "Sarah Jones",
"age": 32

The SDK functions are type-safe and include TypeScript autocompletion for arguments and outputs.

If you try to access a property that doesn’t exist:

const userOne = result[0].surname;

You’ll get a TypeScript error:

Property 'surname' does not exist on type 'UserSelect'

Further reading

This guide covered the basics of generating an OpenAPI spec using Hono. Here are some resources to help you learn more about OpenAPI, the Hono Zod OpenAPI middleware, and Speakeasy: