

Of the primitive types (ignoring the object type) , the string type is the most flexible type available. In addition to being able to be used to represent other types (such as “true”, “100”, “{\“some\”: \”object\”}”), it supports a number of formats that overlay constraints to the type of data represented. This is useful for mapping to types in various languages if you are using the OpenAPI spec for code generation.


The string type via the OpenAPI Specification officially supports the below formats:

stringdateAn RFC3339 (opens in a new tab) formatted date string“2022-01-30”
stringdate-timeAn RFC3339 (opens in a new tab) formatted date-time string“2019-10-12T07:20:50.52Z”
stringpasswordProvides a hint that the string may contain sensitive information.“mySecretWord1234”
stringbyteBase-64 encoded data.“U3BlYWtlYXN5IG1ha2VzIHdvcmtpbmcgd2l0aCBBUElzIGZ1biE=”
stringbinaryBinary data, used to represent the contents of a file.“01010101110001”

The format attribute can also be used to describe a number of other formats the string might represent but outside the official list above, those formats might not be supported by tooling that works with the OpenAPI Spec, meaning that they would be provided more as hints to end-users of the API:

  • email
  • uuid
  • uri
  • hostname
  • ipv4 & ipv6
  • and others

Below are some examples of describing various string types:

# A basic string
type: string
# A string that represents a RFC3339 formatted date-time string
type: string
format: date-time
# A string that represents a enum with the specified values
type: string
- "one"
- "two"
- "three"
# A string that represents a file
type: string
format: binary


The string type also has an associated pattern attribute that can be provided to define a regular expression that should be matched by any string represented by that type. The format of the regular expression is based on Javascript (opens in a new tab) and therefore could describe regular expressions that might not be supported by various tools or target languages, so make sure to check the compatibility with your intended targets.

Example of a string defined with a regex pattern:

# A string that must match the specified pattern
type: string
pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$