Arazzo: OpenAPI Workflows

Arazzo: OpenAPI Workflows

The Arazzo Specification is a new addition to the OpenAPI Specification that allows you to define sequences of operations for your API.

An Arazzo description is a separate document that references your OpenAPI document and describes how to combine operations from your OpenAPI document into step-by-step sequences.

Arazzo descriptions are useful for:

  • Defining complex sequences of operations that involve multiple API calls.
  • Documenting the expected behavior of your API in a more structured way than a narrative description.
  • Generating code to execute the sequences of operations.
  • Generating tests to verify that the sequences of operations behave as expected.
  • Generating documentation that explains how to use the sequences of operations.

Arazzo Description Structure

An Arazzo description is a JSON or YAML document that follows the structure defined by the Arazzo Specification.

Field NameTypeRequired

The version of the Arazzo Specification that the document uses. The value must be a supported version number.

Field NameTypeRequired
infoInfo Object

Provides metadata about the Arazzo description.

Field NameTypeRequired
sourceDescriptions[Source Description Object]

An array of source description objects defining the OpenAPI or other documents containing the operations referenced by the workflows. The array must contain at least one source.

Field NameTypeRequired
workflows[Workflow Object]

An array of workflow objects defining the workflows. The array must contain at least one workflow.

workflowsSpec: 1.0.0-prerelease
title: Speakeasy Bar Workflows
summary: Workflows for managing the Speakeasy Bar API
description: >
This document defines workflows for managing the [Speakeasy Bar API](, including
creating new drinks, managing inventory, and processing orders.
version: 4.6.3
- name: speakeasyBar
type: openapi
- name: printsAndBeeps
type: workflowsSpec
- workflowId: createDrink
summary: Create a new drink in the bar's menu
- $ref: "#/components/inputs/authenticate"
- type: object
type: string
type: string
type: integer
type: array
type: string
- stepId: authenticate
operationId: authenticate
- reference: $components.parameters.username
- reference: $components.parameters.password
- stepId: createDrink
operationId: createDrink
- reference: $components.parameters.authorization
- name: name
in: query
value: $inputs.drink_name
- name: type
in: query
value: $inputs.drink_type
- name: price
in: query
value: $inputs.drink_price_usd_cent
- name: ingredients
in: query
value: $inputs.ingredients
- workflowId: makeDrink
summary: Order a drink and check the order status
- name: orderType
description: The type of order
type: string
required: true
- name: productCode
description: The product code of the drink
type: string
required: true
- name: quantity
description: The quantity of the drink
type: integer
required: true
- stepId: orderDrink
operationId: createOrder
- name: orderType
in: body
value: $inputs.orderType
- name: productCode
in: body
value: $inputs.productCode
- name: quantity
in: body
value: $inputs.quantity
- stepId: checkStatus
operationId: getOrder
- name: orderNumber
in: path
value: $orderDrink.orderNumber
- type: simple
condition: $checkStatus.status == 'completed'
- name: printReceipt
type: goto
workflowId: $sourceDescriptions.printsAndBeeps.printReceipt
- type: simple
condition: $checkStatus.status == 'completed'
- name: beepLoudly
type: goto
workflowId: $sourceDescriptions.printsAndBeeps.beepLoudly
- type: simple
condition: $checkStatus.status == 'failed'
- workflowId: addIngredient
summary: Add a new ingredient to the bar's inventory
- name: username
description: The username of the manager
type: string
required: true
- name: password
description: The password of the manager
type: string
required: true
- name: ingredient_name
description: The name of the ingredient
type: string
required: true
- name: ingredient_type
description: The type of the ingredient
type: string
required: true
- name: ingredient_stock
description: The stock of the ingredient
type: integer
required: true
- name: productCode
description: The product code of the ingredient
type: string
required: true
- stepId: authenticate
operationId: authenticate
- reference: $components.parameters.username
value: admin
- reference: $components.parameters.password
- stepId: addIngredient
operationId: createIngredient
- reference: $components.parameters.authorization
- name: name
in: query
value: $inputs.ingredient_name
- name: type
in: query
value: $inputs.ingredient_type
- name: stock
in: query
value: $inputs.ingredient_stock
- name: productCode
in: query
value: $inputs.productCode
type: object
type: string
type: string
name: Authorization
in: header
value: $authenticate.outputs.token
name: username
in: body
value: $inputs.username
name: password
in: body
value: $inputs.password

This table shows all fields at the root of the Arazzo Specification:

Field NameTypeRequiredDescription
arazzostringThe version of the Arazzo Specification that the document uses. The value must be a supported version number.
infoInfo ObjectProvides metadata about the Arazzo description.
sourceDescriptions[Source Description Object]An array of source description objects defining the OpenAPI or other documents containing the operations referenced by the workflows. The array must contain at least one source.
workflows[Workflow Object]An array of workflow objects defining the workflows. The array must contain at least one workflow.
componentsComponents ObjectAn element to hold reusable schemas for the workflow, for example, inputs and parameters.
x-*ExtensionsAny number of extension fields can be added to the Arazzo description that can be used by tooling and vendors. When provided at this level, the extensions generally apply to the entire document.

Arazzo Specification Versions

The arazzo field contains the version number of the Arazzo Specification that the document conforms to. Tooling should use this value to interpret the document correctly.

The current version of the Arazzo Specification is 1.0.0-prerelease, but keep in mind that the specification is still under development.

Info Object

Provides metadata about the Arazzo description.

Field NameTypeRequiredDescription
titlestringA human-readable title for the set of workflows.
summarystringA short summary of the Arazzo description.
descriptionstringA longer description of the Arazzo description. CommonMark syntax (opens in a new tab) may be used for rich text representation.
versionstringA version string indicating the version of the Arazzo document.
x-*ExtensionsAny number of extension fields can be added that can be used by tooling and vendors.

Below is an example of an info object in an Arazzo document:

# from ./assets/arazzo.yaml.txt 2:8

Source Description Object

A source description points to an OpenAPI document containing the operations referenced by the workflows in this document. It may also reference other Arazzo documents.

Field NameTypeRequiredDescription
namestringA name for the source document, used to reference it from other parts of the Arazzo description. The name must be unique within the sourceDescriptions array and may only contain alphanumeric characters, underscores, and dashes.
urlstringThe URL of the source document. This identifier must conform to RFC 3986 section 4.1 (opens in a new tab) for absolute URLs or section 4.2 (opens in a new tab) for relative URIs.
typestringThe type of the source document. Supported values are openapi, indicating an OpenAPI document, or arazzo indicating another Arazzo description. Additional values may be supported in future versions of the specification.
x-*ExtensionsAny number of extension fields can be added to the source description object that can be used by tooling and vendors.

Below is an example of two source description objects in an Arazzo description document:

# from ./assets/arazzo.yaml.txt 9:15

Workflow Object

A workflow object defines a sequence of operations.

Field NameTypeRequiredDescription
workflowIdstringA unique identifier for the workflow. This is used to reference the workflow from other parts of the Arazzo description. May contain only alphanumeric characters, underscores, and dashes.
summarystringA short summary of what the workflow does.
descriptionstringA longer description of the workflow. CommonMark syntax (opens in a new tab) may be used for rich text representation.
inputsJSON Schema (opens in a new tab)A schema defining the input parameters for the workflow.
dependsOn[string]An array of workflow IDs that this workflow depends on. The workflows in the array must be executed before this workflow.
steps[Step Object]An ordered array of step objects defining the steps of the workflow. The array must contain at least one step.
successActions[Success Action Object | Reusable Object]An array of success action objects and reusable objects specifying actions to take for each step of this workflow that completes successfully. Individual steps may override the workflow object’s success actions. Reusable objects must reference success actions defined in the components/successActions of this Arazzo document.
failureActions[Failure Action Object | Reusable Object]An array of failure action objects and reusable objects specifying actions to take for each step of this workflow that fails. Individual steps may override the workflow object’s failure actions. Reusable objects must reference success actions defined in the components/failureActions of this Arazzo document.
outputsMap[string, {Runtime Expression}]A map of output values produced by the workflow. The keys are the names of the outputs, and the values are runtime expressions that extract the output values from the results of the workflow steps.
parameters[Parameter Object | Reusable Object]An array of parameters applicable to all steps in this workflow. Individual steps may override the workflow object’s parameters. A reusable object must reference an object in this document’s components/parameters of this Arazzo document.
x-*ExtensionsAny number of extension fields can be added to the workflow object that can be used by tooling and vendors.

Below is an example of a workflow object:

# from ./assets/arazzo.yaml.txt 17:55

Step Object

A step object defines a single operation to perform as part of a workflow.

Field NameTypeRequiredDescription
stepIdstringA unique identifier for the step within the workflow. Used to reference the step’s outputs from other parts of the workflow. May contain only alphanumeric characters, underscores, and dashes.
descriptionstringA description of what the step does. CommonMark syntax (opens in a new tab) may be used for rich text representation.
operationIdstringThe operationId of the operation to execute for this step. Must match an operationId in one of the sourceDescriptions. This field is mutually exclusive with operationPath and workflowId.
operationPathstringA JSON Pointer to the operation to execute for this step, relative to one of the sourceDescriptions. This field is mutually exclusive with operationId and workflowId.
workflowIdstringThe ID of a workflow in this document to execute as a sub-workflow. This field is mutually exclusive with operationId and operationPath.
parameters[Parameter Object | Reusable Object]An array of parameters to pass to the operation for this step. Overrides any parameters defined at the workflow level.
requestBodyRequest Body ObjectThe request body to send for the operation.
successCriteria[Criterion Object]An array of criteria for determining if the step succeeded. All criteria must be met for the step to be considered successful. Individual criteria are defined using criterion objects.
onSuccess[Success Action Object | Reusable Object]An array of actions to take if the step succeeds. Overrides any success actions defined at the workflow level. Individual actions are defined using success action objects.
onFailure[Failure Action Object | Reusable Object]An array of actions to take if the step fails. Overrides any failure actions defined at the workflow level. Individual actions are defined using failure action objects.
outputsMap[string, {Runtime Expression}]A map of output values produced by the step. The keys are the names of the outputs, and the values are runtime expressions that extract the output values from the result of the operation.
x-*ExtensionsAny number of extension fields can be added to the step object that can be used by tooling and vendors.

Below is an example of step objects in an Arazzo description document:

# from ./assets/arazzo.yaml.txt 34:55

Parameter Object

A parameter object defines a single parameter to pass to an operation in a workflow step.

Field NameTypeRequiredDescription
namestringThe name of the parameter.
instringThe location of the parameter. Possible values are path, query, header, cookie. Required for parameters passed to an operation. Must be omitted for parameters passed to a workflow, where the parameter is always passed in the workflow’s inputs object. See Parameter Location.
valueAny | {Runtime Expression}The value of the parameter. Can be a literal value, or a runtime expression that will be evaluated and passed to the operation or workflow.
x-*ExtensionsAny number of extension fields can be added to the parameter object that can be used by tooling and vendors.

Parameter Location

For parameters passed to an operation, the in field specifies the location of the parameter. The possible values are:

  • path - The parameter is part of the operation’s URL path.
  • query - The parameter is appended to the operation’s URL as a query parameter.
  • header - The parameter is sent in the request headers.
  • cookie - The parameter is sent in a cookie.

For parameters passed to a workflow, the in field must be omitted. Workflow parameters are always passed in the workflow’s inputs object.

Arazzo Parameter Object Examples

# from ./assets/arazzo.yaml.txt 42:55

Success Action Object

A success action object defines an action to take when a workflow step succeeds.

Field NameTypeRequiredDescription
namestringThe name of the action. Names are case-sensitive and must be unique within the successActions array of a step or workflow.
typestringThe type of action to take. Possible values are:
end - End the workflow.
goto - Move to another step in the workflow. Requires either stepId or workflowId to be specified.
stepIdstringThe stepId of the step to execute next if type is goto. Mutually exclusive with workflowId.
workflowIdstringThe workflowId of the workflow to execute if type is goto. Mutually exclusive with stepId.
criteria[Criterion Object]An array of criteria that determine whether the action should be executed. All criteria must be met for the action to execute. If not provided, the action will always execute.
x-*ExtensionsAny number of extension fields can be added to the success action object that can be used by tooling and vendors.

Below is an example of a success action object:

# from ./assets/arazzo.yaml.txt 93:99

Failure Action Object

A failure action object defines an action to take when a workflow step fails.

Field NameTypeRequiredDescription
namestringThe name of the action. Names are case-sensitive and must be unique within the failureActions array of a step or workflow.
typestringThe type of action to take. Possible values are:
end - End the workflow, returning the specified outputs if provided.
goto - Move to another step in the workflow. Requires either stepId or workflowId to be specified.
retry - Retry the failed step. Requires retryAfter and optionally retryLimit to be specified.
stepIdstringThe stepId of the step to execute next if type is goto. Mutually exclusive with workflowId.
workflowIdstringThe workflowId of the workflow to execute if type is goto. Mutually exclusive with stepId.
retryAfterNumberThe number of seconds to wait before retrying the failed step if type is retry. Must be a non-negative integer. The specification is ambiguous about whether this field also applies when type is goto.
retryLimitIntegerThe maximum number of times to retry the failed step if type is retry. Must be a non-negative integer. If not provided, the step will be retried indefinitely until it succeeds or the workflow is canceled.
criteria[Criterion Object]An array of criteria that determine whether the action should be executed. All criteria must be met for the action to execute.
x-*ExtensionsAny number of extension fields can be added to the failure action object that can be used by tooling and vendors.

Below is an example of a failure action object:

# from ./assets/arazzo.yaml.txt 100:106

Components Object

The components object holds reusable objects that can be referenced from other parts of the Arazzo description.

Field NameTypeDescription
inputsMap[string, JSON Schema]An object containing reusable JSON Schemas (opens in a new tab) that can be referenced from workflow inputs.
parametersMap[string, Parameter Object]An object containing reusable parameter objects.
successActionsMap[string, Success Action Object]An object containing reusable success action objects.
failureActionsMap[string, Failure Action Object]An object containing reusable failure action objects.
x-*ExtensionsAny number of extension fields can be added to the components object that can be used by tooling and vendors.

The keys in the components object may only contain alphanumeric characters, underscores, and dashes.

Arazzo Components Object Example

# from ./assets/arazzo.yaml.txt 157:178

The components defined in an Arazzo description are scoped to that document. Components defined in one Arazzo description cannot be referenced from another Arazzo description.

Reusable Object

A reusable object allows you to reference objects like success actions and failure actions defined in the components object from locations within steps or workflows.

Field NameTypeRequiredDescription
reference{Runtime Expression}A runtime expression used to reference the desired object from the components object.
valuestringThe value of the referenced parameter. Only used for parameters.

Arazzo Reusable Object Example

# from ./assets/arazzo.yaml.txt 138:140

Criterion Object

A criterion object is used to specify assertions in the successCriteria field of a step object, or the criteria field of a success action object or failure action object.

Criterion objects support three types of assertions:


Literals are constant values that can be used in simple conditions. The following data types are supported:

TypeLiteral Value
booleantrue or false
numberA number of type int32, int64, float, or double.
stringStrings must be enclosed in single quotes (’). To include a literal single quote, escape it with another single quote (”).


Simple conditions support the following operators:

<Less than
<=Less than or equal
>Greater than
>=Greater than or equal
!=Not equal
[]Array index (0-based)
.Property dereference

String comparisons are case-insensitive.

A criterion object consists of the following fields:

Field NameTypeRequiredDescription
context{Runtime Expression}A runtime expression that defines the context for regex and JSONPath conditions. Must be provided if type is specified.
conditionstringThe assertion to evaluate. For simple conditions, combines literals, operators, and runtime expressions. For regex and JSONPath conditions, provides the expression to evaluate against the context.
typestringThe type of assertion. Allowed values are simple, regex, or JSONPath. Defaults to simple if not provided.
x-*ExtensionsAny number of extension fields can be added to the criterion object that can be used by tooling and vendors.

Arazzo Criterion Object Examples

Simple Condition - Check if a drink was successfully created

- condition: $statusCode == 201

Simple Condition - Check if the bar is open

- condition: $response.body.isOpen == true

Regex Condition - Check if the drink name matches a pattern

- context: $response.body.drinkName
condition: "^Sazerac"
type: regex

JSONPath Condition - Check if the ingredient list contains “whiskey”

- context: $response.body
condition: $..ingredients[?( == 'whiskey')]
type: JSONPath

Simple Condition - Check if the customer is over 21

- condition: $response.body.customer.age >= 21

JSONPath Condition - Check if there are any available tables

- context: $response.body
condition: $[?length(@.tables[?(@.available == true)]) > 0]
type: JSONPath

Request Body Object

The request body object describes the payload and Content-Type to send with the request when executing an operation in a workflow step.

Field NameTypeRequiredDescription
contentTypestringThe Content-Type header for the request payload. If omitted, defaults to the Content-Type of the referenced operation.
payloadAnyThe literal payload value to send in the request body. Can contain runtime expressions which will be evaluated before sending the request.
replacements[Payload Replacement Object]An array of payload replacement objects specifying values to insert into specific locations in the payload.
x-*ExtensionsAny number of extension fields can be added to the request body object that can be used by tooling and vendors.

Request Body Object Examples

JSON Payload (Template)

contentType: application/json
payload: |
"order": {
"drinkId": "{$inputs.drink_id}",
"customerId": "{$inputs.customer_id}",
"quantity": {$inputs.quantity}

JSON Payload (Object)

contentType: application/json
drinkId: $inputs.drink_id
customerId: $inputs.customer_id
quantity: $inputs.quantity

JSON Payload (Runtime Expression)

contentType: application/json
payload: $inputs.orderPayload

XML Payload (Template)

contentType: application/xml
payload: |

Form Data Payload (Object)

contentType: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
drinkId: $inputs.drink_id
customerId: $inputs.customer_id
quantity: $inputs.quantity

Form Data Payload (String)

contentType: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
payload: "drinkId={$inputs.drink_id}&customerId={$inputs.customer_id}&quantity={$inputs.quantity}"

Payload Replacement Object

A payload replacement object specifies a location within the request payload and the value to insert at that location.

Field NameTypeRequiredDescription
targetstringA JSON Pointer (opens in a new tab) or XPath (opens in a new tab) expression that identifies the location in the payload to insert the value. For JSON payloads, use JSON Pointer. For XML payloads, use XPath.
valueAnyThe value to insert at the specified target location. Can be a literal or a runtime expression that will be evaluated before sending the request.
x-*ExtensionsAny number of extension fields can be added to the payload replacement object that can be used by tooling and vendors.

Payload Replacement Object Examples

Runtime Expression Value

target: /drinkId
value: $inputs.drink_id

Literal Value

target: /quantity
value: 2

Runtime Expressions

Runtime expressions allow you to reference values that will be available when a workflow is executed, such as values from the HTTP request or response, the event that triggered the workflow, or outputs from previous workflow steps.

The syntax for runtime expressions is {expression}, where expression is one of the following:

$urlThe full URL of the request
$methodThe HTTP method of the request
$statusCodeThe HTTP status code of the response
$request.header.{name}The value of the specified request header
$request.query.{name}The value of the specified query parameter from the request URL
$request.path.{name}The value of the specified path parameter from the request URL
$request.bodyThe entire request body
$request.body#/path/to/propertyThe value of the specified JSON pointer path from the request body
$response.header.{name}The value of the specified response header
$response.bodyThe entire response body
$response.body#/path/to/propertyThe value of the specified JSON pointer path from the response body
$inputs.{name}The value of the specified workflow input
$outputs.{name}The value of the specified workflow output
$steps.{stepId}.{outputName}The value of the specified output from the step with ID {stepId}
$workflows.{id}.{inputName}The value of the specified input from the workflow with ID {id}
$workflows.{id}.{outputName}The value of the specified output from the workflow with ID {id}

Runtime Expression Examples

ExpressionExample Value
$request.header.AuthorizationBearer abc123

Arazzo Specification Extensions

The Arazzo Specification allows custom properties to be added at certain points using specification extensions.

Extension properties are always prefixed by "x-" and can have any valid JSON value.

For example:

x-internal-id: abc123
vendorId: 123
channelId: abc

The extensions defined by the Arazzo Specification are:

Arazzo DescriptionApplies to the entire Arazzo description document
Info ObjectApplies to the info object
Source Description ObjectApplies to all the source description objects
Workflow ObjectApplies to all workflow objects
Step ObjectApplies to all step objects
Parameter ObjectApplies to all parameter objects
Success Action ObjectApplies to all success action objects
Failure Action ObjectApplies to all failure action objects
Criterion ObjectApplies to all criterion objects
Request Body ObjectApplies to all request body objects
Payload Replacement ObjectApplies to all payload replacement objects
Reusable ObjectApplies to all reusable objects
Components ObjectApplies to the components object

The specification extension key formats ^x-oai- and ^x-oas- are reserved for extensions defined by the OpenAPI Initiative (opens in a new tab).

Extension properties can be used to add additional features, metadata, or configuration options to the Arazzo description that are not directly supported by the current version of the specification. However, additional tooling may be required to process custom extensions.