
The OpenAPI Operation Object

An operation object describes a single API operation within a path, including all its possible inputs and outputs and the configuration required to make a successful request.

Each operation object corresponds to an HTTP verb, such as get, post, or delete.


# The Operation Object
operationId: listDrinks
summary: Get a list of drinks.
description: Get a list of drinks, if authenticated this will include stock levels and product codes otherwise it will only include public information.
- {}
- drinks
- name: type
in: query
description: The type of drink to filter by. If not provided all drinks will be returned.
required: false
$ref: "#/components/schemas/DrinkType"
description: A list of drinks.
type: array
$ref: "#/components/schemas/Drink"

operationIdStringA unique identifier for the operation, this must be unique within the document, and is case sensitive. It is recommended to always define an operationId, but is not required.
deprecatedBooleanWhether the operation is deprecated or not. Defaults to false.
summaryStringA short summary of what the operation does. This may contain CommonMark syntax (opens in a new tab) to provide a rich description.
descriptionStringA detailed description of the operation, what it does, and how to use it. This may contain CommonMark syntax (opens in a new tab) to provide a rich description.
serversServersA list of Server Objects that override the servers defined at the document and path levels and apply to this operation.
securitySecurityA list of Security Requirement Objects that override the security requirements defined at the document and path levels and apply to this operation.
x-*ExtensionsAny number of extension fields can be added to the operation object that can be used by tooling and vendors.
parametersParametersA list of Parameter Objects that are available to this operation. The parameters defined here merge with any defined at the path level, overriding any duplicates.
requestBodyRequest Body ObjectThe request body for this operation where the HTTP method supports a request body (opens in a new tab). Otherwise, this field is ignored.
responsesResponsesA map of Response Objects that define the possible responses from executing this operation.
callbacksCallbacksA map of Callback Objects that define possible callbacks that may be executed as a result of this operation.

The above order of fields is recommended for defining the fields in the document to help set the stage for the operation and provide a clear understanding of what it does.