Generate a Java SDK from OpenAPI / Swagger

Java SDK overview

The Speakeasy Java SDK is designed to be easy to use and debug. This includes generating strongly typed classes that enforce required fields and other validations to ensure the messages sent are correct. This allows for a tighter development cycle so your API consumers can spend less time developing solutions using your API.

The core features of the SDK include:

  • Type-safety: Strong typing is used extensively so that problems are seen at compile time, not runtime.
  • Null-safety: Primitive types are used where possible, improving compile-time null safety. For non-required and nullable fields, the java.util.Optional and JSONNullable classes are used. Passing Java null arguments will provoke an exception.
  • Builders and method chaining for all SDK objects. For example, to create a Person object:
Person person = Person.builder()
  • All-field constructors are available for most SDK objects, so a user can get a compile-time indication of changes to the OpenAPI document if required.
  • Readability: Appropriately formatted method chaining is more understandable and maintainable.
  • Discoverability: Method chaining and favorable naming strategies make life easier. For example, to build a Person object, you call Person.builder() and not new Builders.PersonFactory().
  • Convenient overloads in builders. For example, a long can be passed directly when the underlying field is Optional<Long>.
  • The java.util.Optional class is used for non-required arguments.
  • The JsonNullable class is used for nullable arguments.
  • The Java platform OffsetDateTime and LocalDate types are used for date-time and date.
  • A utils package provides shared code used by generated classes, making the generated code easier to follow.
  • Authentication support for OAuth flows and other standard security mechanisms.
  • Custom enum types using string or integer values.
  • Pagination support, including the option to return java.util.Stream so that paging is auto-handled.
  • Well-formatted source code to make debugging easier.

The SDK includes minimal dependencies. It requires:

Java package structure

|-- build.gradle # more Gradle configuration
|-- build-extras.gradle # custom Gradle configuration (untouched by generation updates)
|-- build # directory that will contain built artifacts
| └-- ...
|-- src # source code directory
| └-- main # main source code directory
| └-- {SDK Package Name} # sub-directories to the SDK package namespace
| |-- # primary SDK class
| |-- ... # additional sub-SDK classes
| |-- models # package for model-related files
| | |-- operations # package for request/response operational models
| | | └-- ...
| | └-- shared # package for shared component models
| | └-- ...
| └-- utils # package for shared utility classes
| └-- ...
|-- docs # Markdown files for the SDK's documentation
|-- gradlew # Gradle shellscript to build/install the SDK
|-- gradlew.bat # Gradle batch file to build/install the SDK
|-- settings.gradle # provided Gradle settings
|-- gradle
| └-- ... # other Gradle-related files
└-- ...

Build customization

The build.gradle file should not be edited because generation updates will overwrite changes. However, customization of build.gradle is possible:

  • Additions to build.gradle can be made by editing build-extras.gradle, which is untouched by generation updates.
  • However, build-extras.gradle does not allow for the addition of plugins. You need to use the additionalPlugins property in gen.yaml to add plugins to build.gradle:
version: 0.2.0
artifactID: openapi
- 'id("java")'

Dependencies can be customized in two ways:

  • You can add a dependencies block to build-extras.gradle. Note that with standard Gradle techniques, you can exclude dependencies, exclude transitive dependencies, and modify dependencies in build-extras.gradle.

  • You can use the additionalDependencies property in gen.yaml. For example, the fragment below overrides the jackson-databind and adds commons-compress:

    version: 0.2.0
    - implementation:com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:2.16.0
    - api:org.apache.commons:commons-compress:1.26.1

HTTP client

The Java SDK HTTP client is configurable using a class implementing the following interface and is found in the util package of the generated code:

public interface HTTPClient {
public HTTPResponse<byte[]> send(HTTPRequest request)
throws IOException, InterruptedException, URISyntaxException

A default implementation is provided based on Any developer using the SDK can easily replace this implementation with their own:

MyHttpClient client = new MyHttpClient();
SDK sdkInstance = SDK.builder().setClient(client).build();

This gives developers using your Java SDK the flexibility to set up proxies, cookie jars, special headers, or any other low-level customization.

Serialization and deserialization

Low-level customizations like request and response hooks or HTTPClient-based interceptions may require the serialization and deserialization of generated objects to and from JSON.

You must use the generated custom Jackson ObjectMapper for these actions. The ObjectMapper is available as a Singleton in the generated utils package via JSON.getMapper().

Java SDK data types and classes

Primitives and native types

Where possible, the Java SDK uses native types from the language and uses primitives to increase null safety. For example:

  • java.lang.String
  • java.time.OffsetDateTime
  • java.time.LocalDate
  • java.math.BigInteger
  • java.math.BigDecimal
  • int (or java.lang.Integer)
  • long (or java.lang.Long)
  • float (or java.lang.Float)
  • double (or java.lang.Double)
  • boolean (or java.lang.Boolean)

Unlimited-precision numerics

Using high-precision decimal or integer types is crucial in certain applications, such as in code that manipulates monetary amounts and in situations where overflow, underflow, or truncation caused by precision loss can lead to significant incidents.

To mark a field as an unlimited-precision integer, you can use either an integer:

type: integer
format: bigint

Or a string:

type: string
format: bigint

The above types are mapped to java.math.BigInteger in the generated SDK. Object builders have convenient overloads that allow for passing integer values directly without wrapping them in BigInteger.

Similarly, for an unlimited-precision decimal, you can use either a number:

type: number
format: decimal

Or a string:

type: string
format: decimal

The above types are mapped to java.math.BigDecimal in the generated SDK and object builders have convenient overloads that allow passing float and double values directly without wrapping them in BigDecimal.

Note: SDKs in other languages may choose to map to native high-precision types rather than unlimited-precision types. Check the documentation of the language you are interested in.

Union types

Support for polymorphic types is critical to most production applications. In OpenAPI, these types are defined using the oneOf keyword.

Non-discriminated oneOf

The subtypes of a non-discriminated oneOf type may be objects or primitives, so a composition approach is adopted to represent a oneOf type.

Consider this OpenAPI fragment:

- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Cat"
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Dog"

Here’s how a Pet is created in Java code:

Cat cat = ...;
Dog dog = ...;
// Pet.of only accepts Cat or Dog types, and throws if passed null.
Pet pet = Pet.of(cat);

Here is how a Pet is inspected:

Pet pet = ...; // might be returned from an SDK call
if (pet.value() instanceof Cat) {
Cat cat = (Cat) pet.value();
// Do something with the cat.
} else if (pet.value() instanceof Dog) {
Dog dog = (Dog) pet.value();
// Do something with the dog.
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("unexpected value, openapi definition has changed?");

Java versions 14+ also offer pattern-matching language features, which you can use as follows:

Pet pet = ...; // might be returned from an SDK call
if (pet.value() instanceof Cat cat) {
// Do something with the cat.
} else if (pet.value() instanceof Dog dog) {
// Do something with the dog.
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("unexpected value, openapi definition has changed?");

oneOf customization

In some circumstances, the of static factory method of a oneOf class may need to be differentiated by a suffix to avoid type erasure. For example, you would need to use a suffix to differentiate the two array subtypes in the following fragment:

- type: array
type: integer
x-speakeasy-name-override: counts
- type: array
type: string
x-speakeasy-name-override: descriptions

Without accounting for this scenario, the static factory methods Info.of(List<Long>) and Info.of(List<String>) would conflict due to generic type erasure by the Java compiler and cause a compile error in the generated code. Code generation detects this scenario and adds an of method suffix. For the fragment above, the generated static factory methods are the following:

  • ofCounts(List<Long>)
  • ofDescriptions(List<String>)

A suffix for of is selected according to the following priority (and only for subtypes with potential erasure conflicts):

  • Use the x-speakeasy-name-override value, if present.
  • Use the Speakeasy-calculated name of the type, if present.
  • Use the Speakeasy-calculated name of the item type, if present.
  • Use the 1-based subtype index.

Discriminated oneOf

The subtypes of a discriminated oneOf type must be objects, so an interface-based inheritance approach can be adopted, as it provides more polymorphic convenience than the composition approach.

Consider this OpenAPI fragment:

- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Cat"
- $ref: "#/components/schemas/Dog"
propertyName: petType
cat: '#/components/schemas/Cat'
dog: '#/components/schemas/Dog'

Here’s how a Pet is created in Java code:

Pet cat = Cat.builder().name("Moggie").build();
Pet dog = Dog.builder().name("Fido").build();

Pet is a Java interface with a single petType() method, and Cat and Dog both implement that interface.

The discriminator property should be marked as required in the oneOf subtypes. Considering the discriminator has a constant value in each oneOf subtype, it also makes sense to use a Singleton enum or a const for the discriminator property type.

The enum is used as follows:

type: object
type: string
type: string
enum: [cat]
required: [name, petType]

The const is used in the same way:

type: object
type: string
type: string
const: cat
required: [name, petType]

oneOf deserialization

Speakeasy currently uses a forgiving deserialization strategy for oneOf. If more than one match is found in the subtypes, a heuristic is used to select a best match (rather than throwing an exception). This strategy fits nicely with the auto-transformation of anyOf to oneOf while anyOf implementation options are being considered.

In short, the oneOf deserialization heuristic (only applied when a JSON object is being deserialized) is to return the first matching subtype that has the greatest number of properties.


The anyOf keyword is frequently used when oneOf is appropriate. Speakeasy is still considering specific anyOf implementation options. For the moment, anyOf is always treated as a oneOf. The heuristic used for oneOf deserialization is described above and ensures compatibility with anyOf.


An OpenAPI enum is represented using a normal Java enum such as the following:

public enum Color {
private final String value;
private ColorEnum(String value) {
this.value = value;
public String value() {
return value;
public static Optional<Console> fromValue(long value) {
for (Color o: Color.values()) {
if (Objects.deepEquals(o.value, value)) {
return Optional.of(o);
return Optional.empty();

The above enum is closed in the sense that if a user attempts to deserialize an unexpected enum value (like orange for the enum above), then an exception will be thrown.

Open enums

Speakeasy also supports an open enum to ensure that an enum can evolve without breaking outdated API SDK usage. The addition of the x-speakeasy-unknown-values: allow extension to an enum changes the code generation to produce a concrete class rather than a Java enum.

Consider the following when using this concrete class:

  • It looks like a Java enum and compiles without changes for simple usage. For example, Color.RED is used for both closed and open enums.
  • Like a closed enum, it has a value() method that can hold an unknown value.
  • It has an isUnknown() method to indicate that the value is not a declared enum member.
  • It offers the values() method used to iterate all members of an enum. The same signature is used for both closed and open enums.
  • Like a Java enum, it honors reference equality. For example, Color.RED == Color.of("red") and Color.BROWN == Color.of("brown").
  • Is not usable in a switch expression. It can only be used with int, String, and enum types in Java.
  • You can use the convenience method Optional<ColorEnum> asEnum() to access a real enum if desired, for example, in a switch expression. However, you have to navigate the Optional value, and ColorEnum is only relevant for known enum values.
  • It includes custom serialization and deserialization for ensuring Singleton references.

Be aware that migrating a closed enum to an open enum may bring about compile errors in an end-user’s code, because the concrete class cannot be used in a switch expression in the way a Java enum can. This is a breaking change. For this reason, it is helpful to identify potentially open enums earlier rather than later.


If parameters are defined in the OpenAPI document, Speakeasy will generate methods with parameters as part of the method call itself rather than as part of a separate request object.

The number of parameters defined should not exceed the maxMethodParams value configured in the gen.yaml file. If they do or the maxMethodParams value is absent or set to 0, all generated methods require a single request object that contains all the parameters that may be used to call an endpoint in the API.

Default values

The default keyword in the OpenAPI specification allows a user to omit a field or parameter and it will be set with a given default value.

Default values are represented in the Java SDK with java.util.Optional wrappers. Passing Optional.empty(), or if you’re using a builder, not setting the field or parameter, will mean that the default value in the OpenAPI document is used.

Bear in mind that it’s lazy-loaded (only loaded once) and that if the default value is not valid for the given type, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown. For example, if default: abc is specified for type: integer, the exception is thrown.

If you encounter this situation, you have two options:

  • Regenerate the SDK with a fixed default value in the OpenAPI document.
  • Set the value of the field explicitly, so that the once-only lazy load of the default value never occurs. This technique is most likely the immediate workaround for a user who does not own the SDK repository.

Constant values

The const keyword in the OpenAPI specification ensures that a field is essentially read-only and that its value will be the specified constant. Fields for const will not be settable in all-parameter constructors or builders, their value will be set internally. However, const fields are readable in terms of object getters. The const values are lazy-loaded once only (like default values). If the const value is not valid for the given type, then an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown. The best fix for this is to regenerate the SDK with a fixed const value in the OpenAPI document.


To handle errors in the Java SDK, you need to check the status code of the response. If it is an error response, the error field of the response will contain the decoded error value.

Info Icon

Coming Soon

Support for throwing unsuccessful status codes as exceptions is coming soon.

Pagination and java.util.Stream

Enabling pagination for an operation in your API is described here.

If pagination is enabled for an operation, you have the option to run .call(), .callAsStream(), or .callAsStreamUnwrapped() when using the operation builder.

  • The .call() method will return the first page, and you will have to repeatedly check for the existence of another page and retrieve it.
  • The callAsStream() method returns a java.util.Stream of the pages, allowing you to use the convenient java.util.Stream API. Retrieving more pages when required and available is handled automatically.
  • The callAsStreamUnwrapped() method returns a java.util.Stream of the concatenated items in the lists on each page. Concatenation and page retrieval are handled automatically.

Below is an example of callAsStream():

SDK sdk = SDK.builder() ... ;
sdk.searchDocuments() // builder for the request
.contains("simple") // parameter
.minSize(200) // parameter
.maxSize(400) // parameter
.callAsStream() // returns Stream<DocumentsPageResponse>
.flatMap(x -> x.res() // returns Optional<DocumentsPage>
.flatMap(y -> y.documents().stream()))
// we are now dealing with a Stream<Document>
.filter(document -> "fiction".equals(document.category())
.limit(200) // no more than 200 documents
.map(document ->

Note that the flatMap calls above concatenate the page lists. If you use callAsStreamUnwrapped, it concatenates the page lists for you, so you can omit flatMap:

sdk.searchDocuments() // builder for the request
.contains("simple") // parameter
.minSize(200) // parameter
.maxSize(400) // parameter
// we are now dealing with a Stream<Document>
.filter(document -> "fiction".equals(document.category())
.limit(200) // no more than 200 documents
.map(document ->

The callAsStream and callAsStreamUnwrapped methods throw an exception if a response page has a status code of 300 or higher. If you require a different behavior, use the call method to manually retrieve each page.

Server-sent events

General Speakeasy support for server-sent events (SSE) is described here.

When an operation response has a content type of text/event-stream, the generated response class will have an events() method.

The events() method can be used to traverse the event stream using a while loop:

// We use try-with-resources to ensure closure of the underlying HTTP connection.
try (EventStream<JsonEvent> events = {
Optional<JsonEvent> event;
while ((event = {

The events() method can also be used with java.util.Stream:

// We use try-with-resources to ensure the closure of the underlying HTTP connection.
try (EventStream<JsonEvent> events = { -> processEvent(event));

The events() method can also be used to aggregate events into a list:

// closes for you
List<JsonEvent> events =;
events.forEach(event -> processEvent(event));

User agent strings

The Java SDK will include a user agent (opens in a new tab) string in all requests that can be used to track SDK usage among broader API usage. The format is as follows:

speakeasy-sdk/java {{SDKVersion}} {{GenVersion}} {{DocVersion}} {{groupId.artifactId}}
  • SDKVersion is the version of the SDK, defined in gen.yaml and released.
  • GenVersion is the version of the Speakeasy generator.
  • DocVersion is the version of the OpenAPI document.
  • groupId.artifactId is the concatenation of the groupId and artifactId defined in gen.yaml.