
Configuring Environment Values

Use the environmentVariables configuration in your gen.yaml to set up default values for provider variables to be pulled in from a user environment variable. This is useful for mapping known environment values that will hold an API key into the provider.

providerAttribute: server_url
providerAttribute: access_token

The environmentVariables configuration is expected to be a list of objects with {env: string, providerAttribute: string} keys and values. These will create associations from environment variables (referenced as env) with provider attributes (referenced as providerAttribute).

Additional Provider Configurations

Enable Terraform configurations to specify additional provider-wide customizations in the generation configuration (gen.yaml) file with the additionalProviderAttributes configuration, for example:

# ... configuration ...

Custom HTTP Headers

Set the httpHeaders configuration with the desired attribute name to enable Terraform configurations to specify a mapping of additional HTTP headers for all HTTP requests.

In this example, HTTP header customization is enabled using the http_headers provider attribute name:

httpHeaders: http_headers

This configuration enables provider configuration such as:

provider "examplecloud" {
http_headers = {
"X-Example-Header" = "example-value"

Custom Resources or Data Sources

If you would like to include an existing resource that is outside of the Speakeasy-generated provider, reference it in gen.yaml like so:

- importAlias: custom
resource: custom.NewCustomResource
- importAlias: custom
datasource: custom.NewCustomDataSource

The additionalResources key is expected to contain a list of { importLocation?: string, importAlias?: string, resource: string } objects. Each resource will be inserted into the provider resource list. If importLocation or importAlias is defined, Speakeasy will add that to the import list at the top of the provider file. The value of resource is arbitrary text, and could contain a function invocation if desired.

The additionalDataSources key follows the same syntax, but with datasource as the text string to be inserted into the list instead of resource.

To learn more about how to write a Terraform resource, please consult the official Terraform documentation (opens in a new tab).

Modifying Resource and Data Source Descriptions

The x-speakeasy-entity-description extension allows you to modify the description of a Terraform resource or data source. This is useful when augmenting the documentation in your OpenAPI specification with documentation for your specific resources. This documentation is expected to be in Markdown format. Use this extension alongside your x-speakeasy-entity extension.

Alternatively, a template folder can be written to customize any or all aspects of generated documentation in alignment with terraform-plugin-docs (opens in a new tab).

description: An order helps you make coffee
x-speakeasy-entity: Order
x-speakeasy-entity-description: |
The order resource allows you to declaratively construct an order for coffee.
resource "speakeasy_order" "example" {
name = "Filter Blend"
price = 11.5

Deduplicate Terraform Types

The terraform types folder includes a representation of your data models that is appropriate for the terraform-plugin-framework type system. However, if you have multiple types with the same signature (e.g. the same set of child property types), there might be a lot of these types that are effectively duplicated. To minimize the git repository / binary size, it might make sense to deduplicate these by re-using types with the same signature across different resources. If you would like to enable this, set the following configuration option:

This option is false by default.

enableTypeDeduplication: true