Custom Security Schemes

Custom Security Schemes define a JSON Schema for SDK security options. Combined with SDK Hooks, custom authentication and authorization schemes can be implemented beyond OpenAPI’s capabilities.

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Custom Security Schemes are only available for Business and Enterprise users.

Language support


Define a custom security scheme

Define the custom security scheme under components -> securitySchemes and reference it in the security section. Set the type to http and the scheme to custom. Use the x-speakeasy-custom-security-scheme extension to specify a JSON Schema. This schema must include at least one property and can accommodate multiple properties with different schema definitions.

openapi: 3.1.0
title: Custom Security Scheme Example
version: 1.0.0
- myCustomScheme: [] # reference to the custom security scheme defined below
# ...
myCustomScheme: # defined as usual under components -> securitySchemes
type: http
scheme: custom # type: http, scheme: custom is used to identify the custom security scheme
x-speakeasy-custom-security-scheme: # A JSON Schema is then provided via the x-speakeasy-custom-security-scheme extension
type: object # the JSON Schema MUST be defined as an object with at least one property, but can then have any number of properties with any schema
type: string
example: app-speakeasy-123
type: string
example: MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTAxMjM0NTY3ODkwMTI
- appId
- secret

Initialize the custom security scheme

Once the SDK is regenerated, the custom security scheme can be configured globally or per operation, depending on the security definitions.

import { SDK } from "openapi";
const sdk = new SDK({
security: {
appId: "app-speakeasy-123",
secret: "MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Njc4OTAxMjM0NTY3ODkwMTI",

Use the custom security scheme

Use SDK Hooks to access user-provided security values and enable custom authentication workflows, like adding headers to requests.

The following example illustrates accessing a custom security scheme in a hook and adding headers to a request:

import { Security$outboundSchema } from "../models/components/security.js";
import { BeforeRequestContext, BeforeRequestHook } from "./types.js";
export class CustomSecurityHook implements BeforeRequestHook {
beforeRequest(hookCtx: BeforeRequestContext, request: Request): Request {
let sec = hookCtx.securitySource;
if (typeof sec === "function") {
sec = sec();
if (!sec) {
throw new Error("security source is not defined");
// Use the Zod schema to parse the security object
const customSec = Security$outboundSchema.parse(sec);
// Access the values from the parsed object and add them to the request headers
request.headers.set("X-Security-App-Id", customSec.appId);
request.headers.set("X-Security-Secret", customSec.secret);
return request;