Product Updates

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Product Updates

Type-Safe PHP Generation

Our type-safe PHP generation is now in beta.

Ian Bentley

Ian Bentley

September 10, 2024

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Product Updates

Lean SDKs with Standalone Functions

Standalone functions are a new way to access functionality in an SDK while maintaining smaller bundle sizes.

Georges Haidar

Georges Haidar

August 16, 2024

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Product Updates

Python Generation with Async & Pydantic Support

Our new Python generation with Pydantic support & HTTPX.

Tristan Cartledge

Tristan Cartledge

July 24, 2024

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Product Updates

Evolving enums for evolving APIs

Georges Haidar

Georges Haidar

May 15, 2024

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Product Updates

Alpha Release: Postman Generator

Our Postman generation is now in alpha. Learn more about how you can automatically create high quality Postman Collections

Luke Hagar

Luke Hagar

May 8, 2024

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Product Updates

Code as Docs Integration: SDKs embedded in your API reference

Our SDKs can now be easily integrated with your API reference to make your docs code-native.

Sagar Batchu

Sagar Batchu

April 12, 2024

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Product Updates

SDK Hooks: Safely add custom logic to your SDKs

Our code generation now supports the addition of custom logic to SDKs, allowing you to further customize your SDKs.

Tristan Cartledge

Tristan Cartledge

April 4, 2024

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Product Updates

Generally Available: Java

Our Java generation is now generally available. That means all SDK features are available with an enhanced developer experience.

Nolan Sullivan

Nolan Sullivan

March 19, 2024

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Product Updates

Release: Terraform v2

Updated Terraform generation that handles increasingly complex APIs.

Thomas Rooney

Thomas Rooney

February 27, 2024

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Product Updates

Introducing Universal TypeScript: A TS SDK your users will love

Our new TypeScript generation is the best SDK for the biggest language community.

Georges Haidar

Georges Haidar

December 1, 2023

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Product Updates

One-Click SDK Testing & Experimentation with SDK Sandboxes

Speakeasy released SDK Sandboxes to enable fast and easy SDK experimentation and testing in GitHub.

Ryan Albert

Ryan Albert

October 11, 2023

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Product Updates

Introducing Speakeasy Suggest - Automatic OpenAPI Spec Maintenance

How we built an OpenAPI LLM agent.

Anuraag Nalluri

Anuraag Nalluri

September 25, 2023

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Product Updates

Announcing: EasySDK Generator

A SDK generator that improves upon the OpenAPI service. Speakeasy is able to handle typing correctly & is opinionated about what makes for a good SDK.

Sagar Batchu

Sagar Batchu

August 31, 2022

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Product Updates

The REST Template Project

The RESTful API template project is live. RESTful API templates for the most used programming languages – starting today with Go.

Tristan Cartledge

Tristan Cartledge

August 2, 2022