Building Speakeasy

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Building Speakeasy

Writing Zod code that minifies

Georges Haidar

Georges Haidar

June 5, 2024

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Building Speakeasy

Why and How we invested in building a best in class CLI

CLI best practices, and how to use Charm to build a best in class CLI

Chase Crumbaugh

Chase Crumbaugh

February 14, 2024

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Building Speakeasy

How We Built It - Universal Typescript

The story about why we rebuilt our TypeScript generation, and the design choices we made along the way.

Georges Haidar

Georges Haidar

January 20, 2024

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API Advice

Building Speakeasy

OpenAPI SDK Creation: Speakeasy vs Open Source Client Generators

Comparing Speakeasy's OpenAPI SDK generators with the open source client generators project

Sagar Batchu

Sagar Batchu

December 6, 2023

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Building Speakeasy

Why work on API developer experience?

The big question ! The Speakeasy team is growing. Learn more about our mission and why we're working on API developer experience.

Sagar Batchu

Sagar Batchu

November 29, 2023

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Building Speakeasy

Speakeasy's $11M Raise

Speakeasy is today announcing that it has raised $11M in combined seed, pre-seed funding from backers including Crystal Huang at Google Ventures, Astasia Myers at Quiet Capital, Flex Capital, StoryHouse Ventures, Firestreak Ventures, and angels including Amit Agarwal (President at Datadog), Clint Sharp (Co-founder and CEO of Cribl) and Todd Berman (CTO of Attentive), and more.

Sagar Batchu

Sagar Batchu

June 29, 2023

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Building Speakeasy

EasyTemplate OSS Release: Templating Superpowers for Go

A templating engine that allows you to use Go's text/template syntax, but with the ability to use JavaScript/Typescript snippets while templating.

Tristan Cartledge

Tristan Cartledge

February 28, 2023

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Building Speakeasy

How to Handle Auth for Embedded React Components

Learn how to handle Auth for products that are being delivered as react embeds.

Nolan Sullivan

Nolan Sullivan

October 20, 2022

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Building Speakeasy

Nivo vs Recharts - Which should you use?

Which React Charting Library should you use: Nivo or Recharts?

Chase Crumbaugh

Chase Crumbaugh

October 11, 2022

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Building Speakeasy

A New Approach to Hiring A Founding Team

Hire founding engineers goes beyond technical skills. Learn what are the vital traits required for founding engineers. Learn more with our guide.

Anuraag Nalluri

Anuraag Nalluri

August 18, 2022

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Building Speakeasy

Speakeasy Branding Process: How We Decided on Look, Feel, Logo, & a Mascot

Branding can be an opaque process. Here's a window-in to the process to update Speakeasy's branding. It's the reference point we wished we had.

Nolan Sullivan

Nolan Sullivan

July 19, 2022

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Building Speakeasy

SASS vs CSS Modules vs CSS-in-JS: How to Choose?

Struggling to decide between Sass & CSS-in-JS for your UI? Here's why we chose CSS-in-JS for effortless embedding & theming of UI components – critical.

Nolan Sullivan

Nolan Sullivan

July 14, 2022

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Building Speakeasy

Using Loom for Remote Collaboration

We've found a good remote work practice has been posting short Loom videos for dev updates in our slack. In this one we get the team familiar with Pulumi for managing infra.

Anuraag Nalluri

Anuraag Nalluri

July 6, 2022