Overriding Compile Commands for SDK Generation

1. Remove package.json from .genignore

The .genignore file is used to signal which files are manually managed rather than handled by the SDK generator. It functions similarly to .gitignore but for SDK generation purposes. Update your .genignore file to remove package.json. It no longer needs to be ignored as the generation process will manage it automatically.

2. Create a Compile Script

Create a file named openapi/scripts/compile.sh and add the following script:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
npm install
npm run build

Ensure the script is executable by running the following command:

chmod +x openapi/scripts/compile.sh

3. Update gen.yaml

Modify your .speakeasy/gen.yaml file to include the compileCommand under the TypeScript section. Add the following configuration:

- bash
- -c
- ./openapi/scripts/compile.sh

4. Verify the Configuration

Run the following command to test that the setup is working as expected:

speakeasy run --force