
speakeasy generate codeSamples

Creates an overlay for a given spec containing x-codeSamples extensions for the given languages.


speakeasy generate codeSamples [flags]


--config-path string the path to the directory containing the gen.yaml file(s) to use (default ".")
-H, --header string header key to use if authentication is required for downloading schema from remote URL
-h, --help help for codeSamples
-l, --langs strings the languages to generate code samples for (comma-separated list)
--out string write directly to a file instead of stdout
-s, --schema string the schema to generate code samples for
--style string the codeSamples style to generate, usually based on where the code samples will be used (default "standard")
--token string token value to use if authentication is required for downloading schema from remote URL

Options inherited from parent commands

--logLevel string the log level (available options: [info, warn, error]) (default "info")

Parent Command