Create PHP SDKs from OpenAPI documents
PHP SDK overview
The Speakeasy PHP SDK is designed to be easy to use and debug, and uses object-oriented programming in PHP for a robust and strongly-typed experience.
Some core features of the SDK are:
- Class-based objects using reflection and property attributes to aid serialization.
- A
package for common operations, simplifying generated code and making it easier to debug. - A convenient builder pattern manages the SDK configuration, and request level options.
- Support for some OAuth flows and other standard security mechanisms.
New PHP features
Since the release of PHP 8 in 2020, the language has introduced additional type features, enabling better support for OpenAPI. Some of the features we take advantage of are:
Union types
private int|float $age; -
enum HTTPMethods: string {case GET = 'get';case POST = 'post';}
External libraries
The Speakeasy PHP SDK seeks to support the majority of the OpenAPI Specification features, and as such, supports some features that aren’t contained in the PHP standard library.
Speakeasy fills the gaps using some external dependencies, which are detailed below.
PHP has only date-time objects, not date objects. Speakeasy uses Brick\DateTime (opens in a new tab) for date support. For example:
public function deserializeDateTimeToJson(JsonDeserializationVisitor $visitor, string $data, array $type, Context $context): mixed{return \Brick\DateTime\LocalDate::parse($data);}
Complex numbers
PHP doesn’t have support for arbitrary precision numbers, so we use the Brick\Math (opens in a new tab) library for complex number support.
To learn more about Speakeasy’s complex number support, please read this page.
HTTP client
The SDK uses Guzzle (opens in a new tab) to provide a default HTTP client implementation, \GuzzleHttp\Client
, for making API calls, which can be overridden. The client must implement the \GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface
To override the HTTP client, pass the client during construction:
use GuzzleHttp\Client;$client = new Client(['timeout' => 2.0,]);$sdk = SDK::builder()->setClient($client)->build();
This allows for full customization of low-level features, like proxies, custom headers, timeouts, cookies, and others.
Exhaustive type system
Speakeasy uses a combination of the phpDocumentor TypeResolver (opens in a new tab) library and the built-in standard library type specifications to provide exhaustive type checking across all aspects of the generated SDK.
Speakeasy uses JMS Serializer (opens in a new tab) for serialization due to its union support, which other serialization libraries lack.
JMS Serializer checks types received in responses at runtime, guaranteeing strong typing not only in comment annotations, but also while the application is in use and transferring data.
Files in the Speakeasy-created PHP SDK include the line declare(strict_types=1);
, which causes PHP to throw a TypeError
if a function accepts or returns an invalid type at runtime.
Type checking and linting
Speakeasy uses a combination of PHPStan (opens in a new tab) and Laravel Pint (opens in a new tab) for linting, performing quality control, and statically analyzing the SDK.
Quality and security
Speakeasy also uses Roave Security Advisories (opens in a new tab) to ensure that its dependencies do not have any known security advisories.
PHPUnit (opens in a new tab) is included with the SDK for running tests. However, no tests are created for the SDK automatically.
PHP SDK package structure
├── src/ # Root directory for all PHP source files│ ├── SDK.php # The main SDK class│ ├── SDKBuilder.php│ ├── SDKConfiguration.php│ ├── ... # Other SDK classes, one per tag│ ├── Models/│ │ ├── Components/ # Contains data types used in requests│ │ ├── Operations/ # Contains all the functions in the API│ │ └── Errors/│ │ └── SDKException.php # The error that all requests can throw│ └── Utils/ # Contains shared utility classes for transforming data│ └── ...├── docs/ # Contains Markdown files for the SDK documentation│ └── ...├── composer.json # Configuration for PHP Composer└── vendor # External dependencies
PHP SDK data types and classes
The Speakeasy PHP SDK uses native types wherever possible:
Where no native data types are available, the Speakeasy PHP SDK uses libraries:
The generated classes are standard PHP classes with public properties. These classes use attributes, docstrings, annotations and reflection to help guide serialization.
When configured, Speakeasy will include up to a specified number of parameters directly in the function signatures, rather than providing the list of parameters as an object to be passed to the operation methods.
The maximum number of parameters to be placed in the method signature is set in the maxMethodParams
option in the gen.yaml
file. If maxMethodParams
is not set or is set to 0
, no method parameters will be added.
The Speakeasy PHP SDK throws exceptions using the appropriate error
class as defined in the sdk specification. You can then wrap your requests in a try
block to handle the error in the response.
User agent strings
The PHP SDK includes a user agent (opens in a new tab) string in all requests, which can be leveraged to track SDK usage amongst broader API usage. The format is as follows:
speakeasy-sdk/php {{SDKVersion}} {{GenVersion}} {{DocVersion}} {{PackageName}}
is the version of the SDK defined ingen.yaml
and released.GenVersion
is the version of the Speakeasy generator.DocVersion
is the version of the OpenAPI document.PackageName
is the name of the package defined ingen.yaml
Feature examples
Let’s take a look at how OpenAPI features are mapped to PHP code. We’ll use snippets from the Swagger PetStore 3.1 (opens in a new tab) OpenAPI document, openapi.yaml
(opens in a new tab). If you’re not familiar with the example, it provides operations for managing users, customers, pets, and orders for pets in a hypothetical pet store.
Each tag
in the OpenAPI document becomes one file of top-level operations, such as Pet.php
, Store.php
, and User.php
tags:- name: petdescription: Everything about your PetsexternalDocs:description: Find out moreurl:
The Swagger Petstore OpenAPI document uses API key security and OAuth 2.0:
/pet/{petId}:security:- api_key: []- petstore_auth:- write:pets- read:pets...components:securitySchemes:petstore_auth:type: oauth2flows:implicit:authorizationUrl: modify pets in your accountread:pets: read your petsapi_key:type: apiKeyname: api_keyin: header
The PHP SDK creates a security class you can call with either scheme:
use OpenAPI\OpenAPI\Utils\SpeakeasyMetadata;class GetPetByIdSecurity{/**** @var ?string $apiKey*/#[SpeakeasyMetadata('security:scheme=true,type=apiKey,subtype=header,name=api_key')]public ?string $apiKey = null;/**** @var ?string $petstoreAuth*/#[SpeakeasyMetadata('security:scheme=true,type=oauth2,name=Authorization')]public ?string $petstoreAuth = null;/*** @param ?string $apiKey* @param ?string $petstoreAuth*/public function __construct(?string $apiKey = null, ?string $petstoreAuth = null){$this->apiKey = $apiKey;$this->petstoreAuth = $petstoreAuth;}}# Example call:$requestSecurity = new Operations\GetPetByIdSecurity();$requestSecurity->apiKey = '<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>';$response = $sdk->pet->getPetById($requestSecurity, 504151);
The implicit flow is the only OAuth flow currently supported.
Speakeasy uses native types in PHP 8 for enums.
enum Status: string{case Available = 'available';case Pending = 'pending';case Sold = 'sold';}
Typed parameters
Consider the following example of an array of strings in openapi.yaml
/pet/findByTags:get:operationId: findPetsByTagsparameters:- name: tagsin: queryrequired: falseexplode: trueschema:type: arrayitems:type: string
The PHP SDK types the parameter in a DocBlock.
/** Finds Pets by tags* @param ?array<string> $tags* @return Operations\FindPetsByTagsResponse* @throws \OpenAPI\OpenAPI\Models\Errors\SDKException*/public function findPetsByTags(?array $tags = null,): Operations\FindPetsByTagsResponse {
You can use oneOf
in an OpenAPI document like this:
Pet:type: objectproperties:age:oneOf:- type: integer- type: string
The age
property will be typed as a union in PHP:
/**** @param int|string|null $age*/