Integrate Speakeasy with Scalar

With Scalar, you can easily create and maintain API documentation. Scalar renders documentation by referencing a live OpenAPI document, making it compatible with Speakeasy’s Automated Code Samples feature.


To integrate Scalar with Speakeasy, you’ll need the following:

Setting up the integration

Get the API’s combined spec public URL from the registry

Navigate to the Speakeasy Dashboard (opens in a new tab) and open the API Registry tab. Open the *-with-code-samples entry for the API.

NOTE: If the entry is not labeled Combined Spec, ensure that the API has an automatic code sample URL configured.

From the registry entry’s page, copy the provided public URL.

Get the API’s combined spec public URL from the registry

Open a Scalar project (opens in a new tab), go to the Reference tab, and click Import URL.

Paste the combined spec URL copied from Speakeasy into the provided field, optionally check Create Link, then click Import.

When the import is complete, the API documentation will be rendered.

Import the combined spec URL into Scalar

Scalar is more than just an OpenAPI renderer. Visit the official Scalar documentation (opens in a new tab) to learn more.